P602 CEEFAX 2 602 Sun 01 Dec 23:52/28  ————————————————————————————   SUNDAY/MONDAY   1845-0715  ———————————————————————————— 1845 THE MONEY PROGRAMME S/N with the latest financial stories, headlines and business trends 1925 SNOOKER: US CHAMPIONSHIP N see 300 The conclusion of this year's £380,000 event at Preston between John Higgins and Stephen Hindry 2250 THE CROW ROAD S/N * The truth about Uncle Rory is finally revealed. Last in sjtiis 2355 FILM: ANGEL BABY S * Melodrama with George Hamilton as an evangelist preacher who becomes caught up in controvjrsz. (1960) 0130-0135 WEATHER * 0200-0715 THE LEARNING ZONE * BBC1 601 ITV 603 C4 604 On now 606 Front page 100 Sport 300 Regions 609 ITV C4 BBC1 Reg Satellite