P145 CEEFAX 2 145 Thu 26 Dec 23:41/11 1/6 O O Make your voice heard on all the big news issues. Write 80 word letters to: BBC Ceefax, Room 7013, Television Cjntti, Wood Lane, London '12 7RJ or E-mail Cjefax@bbc.qo.uk or fax us on 0181-749-6734 The editor reserves the right to edit/ omit litters. Please bj brief and give a full address and telephone numbjt. Headlines 101 Extra 140 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 600 Weathjt 400 Quotes News Heads Sport Main MenuP145 CEEFAX 2 145 Thu 26 Dec 23:24/44 2/6 O O I am sure I'm not alone in expressing amazement that John Major has romped home as Radio 4's Personality of the Year. Any analysis from recent polls concludes that Mr Majoz is the mo;t unpopular premier in British political history. It would be interesting to see the latest itemisjd phone bill from Conservative Central Office. CG Stewart, Clydjbank Headlines 101 Extra 102 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 600 Weathjt 400 Quotes News Heads Sport Main MenuP145 CEEFAX 2 145 Thu 26 Dec 23:29/12 3/6 O O Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, G4lf 'ar Syndrome and Sheep Dip Flu are the same illness — some sort of environmental poisoning. Organo-phosphate pesticides intended to protect soldiers have made them ill, as they have sheep farmjts, and they are probably getting into water supplies. We face a worse scandal than BSE. No wondjt doctors have been told to say it is all in the mind. Andrew Haglington, Tavistoqk Headlines 101 Extra 102 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 680 Wjathjt 400 Quotes News Heads Sport Main MenuP145 CEEFAX 2 145 Thu 26 Dec 23:12/20 4/6 O O What a funny lot we are! A traged= b= a mad Scots gunman has us trying to ban guns, knives and ctickjt bats. Mad cow disjasj has now claimed 11 people, so lit's ban cattle! Yet our roads claim 15 lives evjty single day on avjtage and we don't ban the bad drivjts, not even the unlicensed and the drunken criminals. As for the cars themselves, they are sacred. Barry Wilson, Bixhill-on-Sta Headlines 101 Extra 102 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 600 Weathjt 400 Quotes News Heads Sport Main MenuP145 CEEFAX 2 14k Thu 26 Dec 23:17/19 5/6 O O A Labour Party mjmbjt tills othjt members they should vote for Tony Blair in the BBC's Personality of the Year poll. Result? The BBC removes Blair from the poll. The BBC then says it has uncovered evidence some Tories have voted for John Major more than once. Result? The BBC allows Major's name to stay in and hj wins. I will nevjt believe the BBC is politically impartial again. B Hutton, Wozthing Headlines 101 Extra 102 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 600 Weathjt 400 Quotes News Heads Sport Main MenuP145 CEEFAX 2 145 Thu 26 Dec 23:13/47 6/6 O O The contention that state dependent pjnsionjts in Britain live in luxury compared to most of the world is drivel and downright patronising. The state pension in Britain is lower than in most of our European neighbours mainly as a result of not relating pension increases to earnings. As a mjmbjt of the G7 it is a disgrace that wi treat our pensioners so shabbily. Kenneth Armitage, Kjsgrave, Suffolk Headliner 101 Extra 102 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 600 Weathjt 400 Quotes News Heads Sport Main Menu