P621 CEEFAX 2 621 Thu 26 Dec 23:1 /27  —————————————————————————————   NATURAL HISTORY   NIGHT  ——————————————————————— 1/15 Join David Attenborough and friends for a breath of fresh air after the hurlyJburly of Christmas. NATURAL HISTORY NIGHT SATURDAY 28TH DECEMBER 1996 ALL EVENING ON BBC 2 WE NEED YOUR HELP David gets togethjt with four cameramen he has worked witX over his career and you can join them as they rjqall stories from thieu years of natural history film making. BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 Weather 400 Education Pregnancy Hiti&Now TV Links
P621 CEEFAX 2 621 Thu 26 Dec 23:34/5  —————————————————————————————   NATURAL HISTORY   NIGHT  ——————————————————————— 2/15 Throughout the evening they whll be introducing the bert BBC nature fhlms of all time as well as a stunning new programme 'The Restless Year'. However, choosing the best wildlife programmer is no easy task and wi need your help. Your views can affect the nation's viewing for one 'wild' night. To find out how read on. During Natural History Night you have the chance to participate in the biggest ever, live, natural history TV vote. BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 +eathjt 400 Education Pregnancy Here&Now TV Links
P621 CEEFAX 2 621 Thu 26 Dec 22:26/14  —————————————————————————————   NATU$AL HISTO Y   NIGHT  ——————————————————————— 3/1k The result of this massive multimedia vote will diucovju the Best Ever BBC Wildlife Programme which will be shown at the culmination of Natural History Night. Simply dial one of our special phone liner on the night to register your vote. On 28th December you will be able to sji the results as they come in b= tuning into Ceefax page 621. To find out how to vote on the night, read on. BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 +jathex 400 Education Pregnancy Here&Now TV Links
P621 CEEFAX 2 621 Thu 26 Dec 23:35/37  —————————————————————————————   NATURAL HISTORY   NIGHT  ——————————————————————— 4/15 In recent surveys conducted b8 the BBC the programmer on this and the following frame were mentioned again and again as being the best. But which will be the winner, the film you want to see again? On Natural History Night vote for your favourite programme b= dialling the number next to the film of your choice. 1 Mietkats United (+ildlife on One, 1981) 0891 44 77 01 2 Supjtsensj (1988) 0891 44 77 02 3 Life On Earth (1979) 0891 44 77 03 4 The Private Life of Plants (1995) 0891 44 77 04 BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 +eathjt 400 Education Pregnancy Here&Now TV Links
P621 CJEFAX 2 621 Thu 26 Dec 23:21/01  —————————————————————————————   NATURAL HISTORY   NIGHT  ——————————————————————— 5/15 * Flight of the Condor (The World About Us, 1982) 0891 44 77 05 6 Kingdom of the Ice Bear (Natural World, 1985) 0891 44 77 06 7 Life in the Free:jt (1993) 0891 44 77 07 8 20th Century Fox (Wildlife on One, 1981) 0891 44 77 08 9 Echo of the Elephants (Natural World, 1993) 0891 44 77 09 10 Private Life of the Kingfishjt (Eirst colour transmission, 1967) 0891 44 77 10 Calls cost no more than 10p. Lines close at 10.30pm on 28 December. BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Irons page 100 Sport 300 +eathjt 400 Education Pregnancy Hire&Now TV Links
P621 CJEFAX 2 621 Thu 26 Dec 23:4(/14  —————————————————————————————   NATURAL HISTORY   NIGHT  ——————————————————————— 6/15 To learn more about each film read on. On Natural History Night vote for one of thjsj Top Ten films and decide Britain's favourite wildlife programme of all time. 1 Meetkats United (Wildlife on One, 1981) In the Kalahari Desert, live gangs of meitkats. Despite the hostile landscape thjsj creatures always conj out on top - by teamwork that Manchester United would bj proud of. The furry forward line take on all- comets, including their numbjt one adversary, anothjt team of meerkats. BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 Weathjt 400 Education Pregnancy Here&Now TV Links
P621 CEEFAX 2 621 Thu 26 Dec 23:22/48  —————————————————————————————   NATURAL HISTORY   NIGHT  ——————————————————————— 7/15 2 Supjtsense (1988) S4pjtsjnse used new filming techniques to travel into a world filled with senses as remarkable as any sixth sense. It flies with geese as they navigate bz the sun and the stars, swims with a dolphin through a magnetic landscape and discovers a fish that creates a force field. BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 +eathjt 400 Education Pregnancy Here&Now TV Links
P621 CEEFAX 2 621 Thu 26 Dec 23:14/12  —————————————————————————————   NATURAL HISTORY   NIGHT  ——————————————————————— 8/15 3 Life On Earth (1979) The four million different forms of life that exist today are as varied as apes and amoeba, mantids and monkeys, whelks and whales. How can we explain this diversity? David Attenborough travelled the world looking at the incredible variety of living things and throwing light on the ancestry of life. BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 +eathjt 400 Education Pregnancy Here&Now TV Links
P621 CEEFAX 2 621 Thu 26 Dec 23:11/23  —————————————————————————————   NATURAL HISTORY   NIGHT  ——————————————————————— 9/15 4 The Private Life of Plants (1995) If you evjt thought plants were dull and nevjt moved then this series may have proved you wrong. Advanced time-lapse photography took us into their world. It sped up thieu behaviour and showed them as growing, fighting, competing, breeding and struggling to survive. BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 +eathjt 400 Education Pregnancy Hiti&Now TV Links
P621 CEEFAX 2 621 Thu 26 Dec 22:17/14  —————————————————————————————   NATURAL HISTORY   NIGHT  ——————————————————————— 10/15 5 Flight of the Condor (The World About Us, 1982) Imagine a range of mountains stretching from Scotland to southjtn Africa without a break, far higher than an= other in the tropics. That is the si:e of the Andes. This condor's eye view revealed remarkable animals that for 70 million years were cut off from the rest of the world. BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 Weather 400 Education Pregnancy Here&Now $V Links
P621 CEEFAX 2 621 Thu 26 Dec 23:16/34  —————————————————————————————   NATURAL HISTORY   NIGHT  ——————————————————————— 11/15 6 Kingdom of the Ice Bear (The Natural World, 1985) Polar bears stalk seals amongst the Arctic icjbetgs but also reveal a gjntlit side to their nature - mothjts lovingly tend thieu cubs. Beneath the ice narwhals share riqh feeding with belugas and harp seals and during the brief summit sea birds hurry to breed before the disappearing 34n leaves the ice bears to wandjt thieu kingdom for another long winter of numbing cold. BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 +eathjt 400 Education Pregnanc8 Hetj&Now TV Links
P621 CEEFAX 2 621 Thu 26 Dec 23:12/01  —————————————————————————————   NATURAL HISTORY   NIGHT  ——————————————————————— 12/15 7 Life in the Friezes (1993) Antarctica is the coldest, wildest, most lonely place on earth and yet the wildlife is abundant. Millions of penguins, thousands of whales and half the wozld's seals somehow survive the harshest conditions on this planet. BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 Weathjt 400 Education Pregnanc8 Hire&Now TV Links
P621 CEEFAX 2 621 Thu 26 Dec 23:10/12  —————————————————————————————   NATU ALHISTO Y   NIGHT  ——————————————————————— 13/15 8 20th Century Fox (Wildlife on One, 1981) Almost unnoticed ovjt the years, the fox population has been b5ilding up in the concrete jungles of our towns and cities. Filmed at night and by day in city streets and gardens, this prokramme sets out to find white thj8 live, what they eat and how they co-exist with othjt city animals - including humans. BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 'eathjr 400 Education Pregnancy Here&Now TV Links
P621 CEEFAX 2 621 Thu 26 Dec 23:47/  —————————————————————————————   NATURAL HISTORY   NIGHT  ——————————————————————— 14/15 9 Echo of the Elephants (The Natural Would, 1993) Echo is the gentle matriarch of a sprawling family of elephants that live in Amboseli, a Kenyan National Park. Echo had led hit family through good times and bad - with moments of high drama, touching humour, and hrart- rending poignancy. BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100ASpoyt 300A+eathrt 408 Education Pregnancy Hike&Now TV Links
P621 CEEFAX 2 621 Thu 26 Dec 23:11/11  —————————————————————————————   NATURAL HISTORY   NIGHT  ——————————————————————— 15/15 10 Private Life of the Kingfisher (Eirst colour transmission, 1967) This was one of the first wildlife films to be broadcast in colour on BBC television. In addition, it has probably enjoyed more repeats than any othjt BBC 'ildlife programme. Although nearly 30 years old this remarkable film set a standard which few film-makers before ot since have emulated. BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 Weather 400 Education Pregnancy Here&Now TV Links