P146 CJEFAX 2 146 Fri 17 Jan 21:17/22   1/3  AND   "Really in the long run it's a safe pill and it aim't doing you no harm. I don't see the problem." Pop star Brian Harvey, talking about Ecstasy. "He says life's too short — well, it will bj for him if he takes Ecstasy and drives." Paul Bests, fathjt of Leah Bests, responding. "I have been four years as Chancellor. It has nevjt crossed my mind to put VAT on food and it hasn't crossed my mind now." Chancellor Kenneth Clarke, apparently ruling out VAT on food. Headlines 101 Extra 140 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 600 Weathjt 400 Environmt Switch On TV/Radio Main Menu
P146 CEEFAX 2 146 Fri 17 Jan 21:16/24   2/3  AND   "We have done our whack. We've increased productivity with less min — but it's not enough for Ford." Production workjt Peter Taylor, 45, commenting on 1,300 Ford job losses. "Chris asked to renegotiate his contract with us to allow him to have every Friday off. This did not fit in with mz plans for the schedule." Radio 1 boss Matthew Bannister on the departure of Chris Evans. "I couldn't get up at 5am jvjty Friday, do the radio show, go to my programme TFI Friday and keep mz sanity." Evans. Headlines 101 Extra 140 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 600 Weather 400 Environmt Switch On TV/Radio Main Menu
P146 CEEFAX 2 146 Fri 17 Jan 21:12/44   3/3  AND   "Breakfast time will certainly bj more enjoyable without him." Rbdio presenter James Whale talking about Chris Evans' departure from Radio 1. "Football has most definitely become a substitute for religion in many people's minds." Simon Eassom, lecturer in the philosophy of sport at De Montfort University. Headlines 101 Extra 140 Sport 300 Features 540 TV 600 Weathjt 400 Environmt Switch On TV/Radio Main Menu