P475 CEEFAX 2 47u Fri (7 Feb 21:X9/ 8   Wj $kj $kj 'k E[   AFGHANISTAN T20/12/:6) 1 3 Uhf Fordign Office Ddvectu a aims t)av l to Afghbn  Ba ZU] @ t N s l l C5ztinTing tension between different groum; has lid to re rut nt outbt ask of fightrng throughoul t(j country and the shtuationhreiajnsUaxtU.july Fvolatili. A Tho who n v uheli s propo j to ttpvj to Arghoni;tan are(ltoonta= o advised to check the situation before tt ng out. FCO Travel Unit 0171 238 4503/4 T Travel h3a liner u30 Fro t pahe 100 FCO 2 Sport Weathjt iMain Menu
P475 CEEFAX 2 475 Fri 07 Fed 41:12/48 Wj£3kj£3kj£3k  T 'j $kv $kj 'k  2/19   AFGHANISTAN L16/9/:6) 2/3 B The British High Commtssion in  I;lpmab1d* lpki;tan, q1n yz88l=  advice. The number t# calZ there is4 00 z2 51 822 ss2/u  But vrsit#rs@jP#klH@"j@bwate tieti Us no British mission i. Aeg(ameslan to provide conszlat help. F÷reign Offqce Ttavjl 0171 238 4503O4 Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 2 @ Sport 'eathjr Main Me.u
P475 CEEFAX 2 475 Fri 07 Feb 21613/27 V ])l<$|,|X<l=| h4|,h,   3/19 '"£££"£££"£££  AFGHANISTBN X16/9/96) 3/3 Threats from military activity to aircraft overflying Aeghanistan stung routes V668, A466, G402 & V848 exist. Some airliner continue to use there routes for flights to and from South east Asia and the Far East. Others, including all British carriers, use altetnatije routes V876 and V500 on which the threat is minimal Ttavellets should chic[ direct, eithjt wuuX travel agents or airlines, which router each airline is using.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 2 Sport Weather Gain Menu
P475 CEEFAX 2 475 Fri 07 Feb 21:14/11     5/1: W"£££"£££"£££  CALBPNIA (27/01/97) 2/3 Demonstrations, some of which may be unannounced, are likely to continue. Visitors sXould bvoid large gatherings and djmonstartions. Identification should be carried at all times. Foreign visttors and their vehicles are   Avoid remote areas, keep valuables secure and do not carry large amounts of qa;h. T—Uj care when in rural areas. Travel with a local grime who can unsure that local customs and traditions are not inadvertently breached. FCO 2 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P475 CEEFAX 2 47* Fri 07 Feb 21:2*/20 Wj£vkj£3Sj£3k )l<I|,|X<l8| h4|,h4 LUFS @CUSER 6O29  C ALBANKA (2//01Wy7) 3/3 @ Driving standar s ar low nd special care is needed on the roads.  An outbrepk of poliomzelitjy ( 2 been reported. All visitors to Aldanja are advised to cheek tXat thjit immunisation afajnst poliomyelitis iu up to date. In care oe emergencies, the British Embas is situated at Trunk S ndjt g 12, Tjrana,0Aljbnja. +     Tel nos: (355 42) 3,:73/74/75 F Travel headlines 430 Front pafe 100 FCO 2 Sport Weather Main Menu
P475 CJEFBX 2 475 Fri 07 Feb 21:22/4k S )U<J|,|h<l1< X4|,h4 'U $kj $kj 'k  7O19 W"£££"££C"£C£ CCCCCC ALGERIA (11O14/:6) 1/2 Visitors should noe travel to Algeria because of the high security threat to foyjignjts. t th n 0 f e n to d residents, incl5diVg two BritUsh riujhjnts, have  Sjptimbjt 199;. I^ an attack near GhQthaia in May 1:95 five foreign nationals, including a British citizen, wiki killed. NUH@Q@QKU\BU@#MQ@@@@@ It showed that th pr jnce of a military gubth may not, bz itself, bj enough to ensure effective protection. TraveZ PjaHlineu 430 Front page 200 FB 2 @ Sp#rt Weather Mai^ Menu
P475 CEEFAX 2 47k Fri 07 Feb 21:25/24   8/19 W"£££"£££"£££  ALGE5JA (12/22/:6) 2/2 Further attacks on Westerners must "e expected. All British nationals should make their whereabouts known to the Embassy in Algiers, tel: 693434/692,11 The \and border "etwein Algeria aLd Morocco is closed. @@ @ @ @ @ Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 2 Sport WeatXjt Main Menu
P475 CJEFA8@2 4/5 Fri 07 Feb 21:06/13  E @   10/19   ANGOL! X5O1Q/96) 2/3 Extreme ca4tion should br taken in u!mda, pbtticulat\y iV tXj early jvjning and at night. Travel outside Luanda should only be undertaken after seeking advice from an acctihiteh organisation in Angola. Travellers should br awake that much of the country are still  certain roads are notorious ambush blackspots. Ta+e care when travelling, partiqujQrly bz roQdW @ Two Btitiuh citizens wjte killed bz a landmine in Jan '96. Anothjt was killed in an ambush in April. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 2 Sport Weathjt Main Menu
P475 CJEFAX 2 475 Fri 07 Feb 21:06/38     )1/19  —fcOL! $5/11/]6)   Th@ Angolan author tie are cur ntl @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @ @@ deport aH\ improperly@documented foreigners. A.zone intending to work in A.kola sXoulh have appropriate documentation: vQlid 6acci.ation ciitificates, legible visa, valid contract and work permit. The immigration authority may det0in and later deport travjllits without sufficient blank pages in the passpwrt. Btitiuh visitors are advised(to register with the Buitiuh Embark= in Luanda. Tel: 334582/3, 3939)+, 392991 or 3976=1 upon arrivaln F FCO 2 Shoxt Weathjt GMain Menu
P475 CEEFAX 2 475 Fri 07 Feb 22:59/22    Wj $kj $kj 'k  23/19   A*GENT NAXO Avoid isolatihOpootly-lit arias at night. Hail moving taxis rathjt than those waiting at the kjtbsjdj. Avoid carrying too much cash or wearing ostKntatious@jewel\ejy. Do not offer resistance in vhj i6jnt of an attempted robbery. British visitors are not specifically targeted. @ Qjgistet with the British ELbassz on arrival in Bueno; Airiu (tel: 803 7070/ 7pg2R eor aN@uplbtU o- tPj cuerj]t situatioN. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 C 2 Sport 'jathjt Main Menu
P475 CEEFAX 2 FF 21:90/01     14/19  R ARMENIA (20/01/97* 1/2 1:94. Buj tPj dispute ovjt Nagornz @ K rabakh remains 5nresol6ed and bordjt areQu0with A}jtRaijan shwyld0still 3j avoijrd. *j/j>* Z V]* UV GGU e e i Travel h dlin 430 Front page 100 FCO
P475 CEEFAX 2 475 Fri 07 Feb 21:01/20 j Trjv3\j£3k ile$|43h lF| h4 pa4 U  17/19 C  aZERB—IVAN (16/1/:7 )O2 Passports should bj carried at all times  Although a cease-eire in the conflict ovjt the western region of Nagorno Karadakh has bee] in plaej since May 1994, travel to this region should bj avoided. It js not know] whjjhjr@jaintUnanci 0rocihuriu on aircraft ubeh on@inteqlal elights are always properly observed. @ @ white poksUdle to fly direct to their destination on an intirnationbl flight originating outside the fotmet Soviet Union. @ Tra l headlines 438 Front par 10 FCO Sport A+eathrz M0in Min5
P475 CEJFAX 2 475 Fri 07 Fed 21:04/09  ^@ Wj $kj $kj 'k R 1:/19   CBAHR"IN (1:/12/96) BaTrain (as been cblm in riqjnt months, although isolated cases of vbndalism continue^ T(j BahtaiNi AuthotUties have thu general shtuaion undjt control. Remain alert to unattended packager/ bags in publiq plQcru and avoid village areas, especially after dark. Observe local security mjasuriu and resprct religious and social sensitivities. citizens to alter or cancel travel plans. For further informatUon on arriva\ in BahrQin, call the Biitish E ba s on 53 404 Travel headlines 438 Front pagt 100 @R Qh @ pKie# @@at@j@@@@@@i@@@@@u@@