P476 CJJFAX 2 476 Fri 07 Feb 21:03O,/ Wj£3kj£3kjCsk )l<$|,|h<l4| h4|,h4   20/25   BURMA/M\ANMAR (2/1/:7) 3/4 @ Do not bttempt to jntet Burma by road from Thbiland. Ovezland tntxy mp= bi permitted 1t sjvjtal border points with China, but this rannot be guQranteid, and advice should de soughl in advance from t(j Bur j j a t grit s @ @ Requests to land by private yacht have been refused. A Ujsitots arr stronkl= 1d6j9ed nor tg photograph military installations and pjrsonnjl. @ Q Travel headlines 430 Front pafe 100 C 3 N w i d at j n
P476 CJEFAX 2 476 Fri 07 FjbC2 :96/1*  L   ,/25   C(AH X28Op1/97J @ 1/2 @ @ @@ Bj 6igilant. Many incidents involve undisciplined members of t(e armed f#rces b^h@Nj(eu btZeh faetions.@ 5 k U w Avoid the Aozou Strip on the bordjt Gwith JiRza; rutan areps nrpr the Sudanese bordjt Qnd in the Soujh; and t(e area around akj C(ah. av wUZZ bv@uVlit or p#orly lUt burju Btitiuh nbtionbls are not speeific tatgjts. The Foreig^ @T@@ sltongly bgainvl teavjl\ing@at NjgXl. @ @ @ @ @@ @ @@@ @ @@@ @ A? PQz scrupzlous attuntion to aln military road blocks.  Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 NB @4 @ T.ORblj#a$ WjctYjr @ KaY. Ze\u
P476 CEEFAX 2 476 Fri 07 Feb 21:01/36     2/25   BANGLA ISH (12/12/:6) 2/3 New a ival rho ld r iste with hj HUgh CoChisfjon. Tel Dhakb 88270t w C t a n Tnavellirs to B ngladjsh whose jot nit invol6eu ovjtfli t of fgh nissan hould be {are Q at threats from military activity to civil aircraft on routes V668, A466, G4p2, V848. u Foz furthjt jls, srli t rec zd d ! lS l@\jo @B^h@ @@Pa jw Vi @rNkj@  t Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 3 News Headv CWeatvjH Main M nu
P476 CEEFAX 2 476 Fri 07 Feb 21:17/14  ^ , Wj $kj $kj 'k V 3 @   AN L E @ ( R oa|T U WJrTHIR F R TH UK :40 S@& ? @@ @@ @ @@@ @ @@ @ @ @ Oo%tt. O Herd an Euding aln Work Bautilos uni Utjin abou  of July 1 97, thjO is no train t 40i C 0 i u rv÷el arr s5jrad cg ie wion E eihant w CX tla an Oefor C acul, su vTnc rot(qu iidyvidual aihlin0Q r, urpn . ÷ o Travtl dea line 430 From$ aaee 40 FCO 3 Now+r vads 5jhth  Mu&n Menu
P476 CJEFAX 2 47v Fri 07 Fed 21:97/27      4/2*   C—ELARUS T27/11/96 9O3 Bicauve #l@cutri]l politica\ tension there may bj additional cheeks on the move]jnl of trafeic by polUce and r If stopped be patient and coopjrati6e. Parts wire badly contamiNbted at the time@oe thu ChjznoRzj nusliar accident. Cati should bj taken to avoid certain foodstuffs (primarily dairy produce and mushroomsR w(ere radiation d#set can be Yjghjr tPb^ acciptadle^ @ @ @@ @@ @@@ @@@@ @ @ @ @ Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 3 Vews Heads Wealhjt Main Menu
P476 CJJFAX 2 476 Fri 07 Fed 21:p6/4: Wj£3kj£3kj£3k    5/25   CAMBODI F8/1AN96) 3/3 Do not cross the Thailand ot Laos Tojdeos. Tn@ afea witvin Cambodia'b ljrvej t#tt e aj\ajb seespac@ally l c unnij guv.Xe ci Trjvellite who j jo rnry to mambo i mutinies this yjaz, andrthj sinyation sjouln v awarl t at tsjno arlethreats ftos nhl katy aztqvjty to nircraf. sing route V 8,A4 6 G4 & V848. a So j a6rlineu c33tinue t0 u j thefj Bwnj= vjr= limjttd assiyt1nqd t B Fcariinrss. j lt ti oute 76 a d V , o w ch threat is asIjsthe avjnt omaa. Check first w ch indncj otl roiti ada bjink us\do p Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 3 NVwu Head Weahjt Rain Menu
P476 CEEFAX 2 476 Fur 07 FjbC21:0</*8  EXX U  W/2)   BELIZE (15/01/:7I Mort peop\e 6i3i5 Be-i:j wet(out NTQ t continues@to be a problem.   v l t of sight, do not(wear jewellery. WjijU t#u 'u @ # NS C Travj\ jn groups to Zinjmizj lXi risk of Ruing attpckrd.  Travel inl nd is best arcompaVjed bz a gzjjj. #rUqg\@ MScS@Tea jY p£.2@dbX TRp3 Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FEO 3 News Hia$s +eathju Main Mrnu
P476 CJEFAX 2 476 Fri 07 Fed 22:p4/36   Wj $kj $kj 'k  22/25   BURUNDI (04/02O:7) R In 6iew of the sanctions imposed on Burundi bnd the sudrjqujnt closujiQoj the borders and airports, BritjsT nattwn1l; arr ;ttgn7l= 1$vt5ud 'wu  visit Burundi. @ The British Ambassador in Kigali, Rwanda, is accredited to Burundi on a noVJresidjnt basjk @ Emergency consular assistance only may be sought through the british r58reujntativu curren6l] workigg for the French Embasvz in Bujumbura (tel: 257 226 464 ) @@@@@@@ Travel headlines 430 Front p ge 100 FCO 3 News Heads Weathjt Main Menu
P476 CEEFAX 2 476 Fri 07 FjbC21:00/07 'e£3kl£3kjC3k X   11/25   CBRAZI X23/22/:6) 9/2 @ @ @ Thjrj is a high ctUme rate in tXj major cuties, particularly in Rio de Janjuro and Sag Paulo. In Rio, taxis and the mjtto are much@ safer than buses or trams. In Sag Pazlo, avoid the old central area after dark. @ Do not resist muggers, they are norm1lly armrd. frisk down, avoid wUating jewellery or expensive watches and keep wallets and cameras concealed. Deposit valuables in hotel safer. ( | | | | | Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 3 News Heads Weathjt Main Menu
P476 C A8@2 47n@ rU 0/ Jee 22vQpOs1 WS )i<E|,|h<l4| h4|,h4 We $kj $kj 'k  12/25 W"C££"£££"£££  RAY (23/12/:6) 2/2 @ TT h h d Keep cai doors \ocSeh bTh@ji.H#ws @ closed. Bi particularly aleut w(ilsl waiting at ttQffic lights.  @@@@@ @ @@ @@ @@ @ @ Drug traffiqkin£ is 1 growing  problem, with severe penalties in Brazil. Only carry items pacKed bz yourself.  @ @ Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4   Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 3 Nqw3 Heads Wjathrt Main Munu
P476 CEJFAX 2 477 Fri 07 FeR 21:05/08 CWW )l<$|,|h<l8| h4|,h4 @ F U }U7kR"mF@bju 4R/d*   "CAMBODI! (8/1(/96) 9/2 s 8L D T(jut is still banditry and fighting in R Rdid d hbh h h h Roufe lto#pv i. ujmjjal pbrts@oj the country rjmajns a potential threat. T  ! Bjhtiuh national was kidnapprd with his interpreter near Seem Reap on 26 MarcX Xjhj third kYdnap cpse involving BritiuX nationbls in Cambodia sincu G 2X2     R h p Phnom Pend, is relatively safe but creme is on the inctiaue, partic4larly robbjties of foreigners after hark. W Travel headlines 430 Front ppgj 100 FC 3 News Hiahs WjatYjr Main Mink
P476 CJJFAX 2 476 Fri 07 Fed 41:01/20 Wj£3kj£3kj£3k  $k* $j Pk  7k Am' H u 14"2 BULK!TIA (04/02/:7) 1/2 Strikes and drmonstrations have spread throughou6 the country. )hjti is no public transport, and including from t Sop ia ar blocku4 3z demoWsttpto{s.  T(jti is a risK of robdjty (uomjtimjs violent) and cat t(eft. Be partieulatly wary of groups of young pickpockets in down-town Sofia. Be vigilant bt bl\ times, especially at night and0whjn on foot un areas pround the STrtpton Hwtjl, Centtpj [ Travj\ headliner@T3Q Fro\t pbne R01@ 3@ Ziws@Pcadv@ WeatPjr K!in@Menm
P476 CEJFAX 2 476 Fri 07 Fer 41:02/44 >j£3kj£3kj 3k dld$ga|h<lpg Ud *4   1R/25 W"£££"£££"£££  BULGARIA (04/02/:7) 2/2 Do not accept food or drin[ from strangers. thjti is a risk it may bj drugged. Thiti have "jen shootings in pzblic places between rival ctiminbl obngv and a small number of explosions invol6ing home-ZbTU@Hjvjees. Do not carry credit card2 ou pas;8orts. They arr brut lufz in a hotel safety deposit or similar. Bulgaria@iLtrodjced new road tolls for foreigners from January 1 1997. New chargrs may bj admjnistexed in an arbitarz way since there are no toll booths. Travel hjpTlinju 430 Front page 0( FCO 3 News@Heahv Wear(jr Main Zens
P476 CJJFAX 2 476 Fri 0/ Feb 21:02/09 Wj£3Wl£"+UCv+ [)l<J|,|X<\1| X4|,h4 j $ kj ' j ÷j7k m' u /2 W"£££$£££"£CC CCCCC BULGARIA (04/84/97) 2/2 Virtuous ma= bi chQrgrh jets in (az4 cuztjnc8 and sho5nd idr1ll8 cprrz US dollars ot Deutchmbrks. @  *ravel Teadlinju 430 Front page 100 FCO 3 News HiQds Weather Mpjn Menu
P476 CJEFAX 2 47n Fri 07 Feb 21:02/33  ]   Wj $kj $kjR'k QWQ O '"£££"£££"£££  BUTVINA FARO (14/10/96) Most vise:s ateQjroudle-free, dul criminal incidents do occur. @ @ @ @ @ Visitors sho4l% "j carufuf  nottX hbs jxpjriinceh some ovjrspill erom the Tuareg conflicts affecting Mali and Nigjt and criminal elements rembin active. R Inten$ing ttavellits should seek medical advice about endemic diueaseu. Bthtamn'1 honorary cons4l in Ouagadougou caL provide oNly liZited assrutanci in an emergency. Tel: 31 11 37. Travel headlines 438 Front page 100 FC^ 3 News Heads 'eathjr Main Yjnu
P476 CEEFAX 2 476 Fri 07 Feb 21:83/5  ]X U  28/2* Wb£££"£££"£££  DURZA/M9ANMA5 (2O1/97) 1/4 Viyitors to Burma are req5ired to keep to oflicially designated tourist areas lravelZi.g only by teaiL, road, river ot air. @ Cycling, hiKing and ballooning in remote areas ard diuqo4ragjd. Vi5htors may also face unwelcome attention from t j oca uthor t e n a ea rice sly opened to foreigners.  Political tensions have risen in the xast few months. In May and Sjptem"jz several hundred supporters of the National League for@Democracy (the main oppoujjion part|) wets temporarily detained. Ttavjl headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 3 New; Heads +jpthju M0in Menu
P476 CIEFAX 2 47. Fri 07 Fed 41:0k/2* Q      24/25 /ECbC$£FF$CCC,CbbFFb£CCbCC&bCCCCCCF&FCCC !AMBWDI— (8/10/96) :/3 Viaitors@shoul exercise caution nd should avoid using motor taxis after dark, when they should stay in well-lit and will-frequented areas. The Foreign and Commenwealth Office slug\gly adfisj bg!Unsl tranel aNzoPjri outsjdj the caXital bz road, r!il ot oat. When visiting the temples at Angkor, travel by !ir to Seem AN remain within the m!in temple complex and do not ttavjl to Banteaz Stji ot otPji ouhMyi.g teYples. @@ @ @@ @ @ W @ Travul hjahlinju *30 Front page 200 F!O 3 Nrws Heads A+eathjr Main Menu
P476 CEEFAX 2 476 Fri 07 FjbC21:04/11 C )l<I|,|h<l1| X4|,h4 Wj@$kj $kj 'k&  21O25   CFUO 3/MYNNMA5 iQ/v/ Wj M i n/4 ViEotofs should fees mUdical advice about jndjmjc djsjasju before travelling. Comprehensive travel insurance is essential and should include uvaquation bz aji. @ u h i form ti n ont h British Embassy in Rangoon (Yangon) -jm:C2:530p, 2:530;, 281700. Eax: 28:566. @ T Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 3 N w H ds Weath t Main M nu