P213 CJEFAX 2 213 Sun 16 Feb 21:54/24   U   O BARCLAYS RAISES STA ES IN FRAUD WARS Barclays Merchant S tvices, w ich handles the plastic card purchases made in over 125,000 shops and businesses, is waging war on fraudsters. It has installed the Eagle Merchant Risk Management System which uses the neural network technology to analysj the two million card transactions processed bz retailers every day. The system highlights any patterns which might indicate that fraudsters are taking advantage of a retailer. It also detects the minority of retailers who commit fraud thjmsjlvjs. Nation l Sav nos 257 Sport 300 Front page 100 TV 600 Next News MonjyProg Sport Main Menu
P213 CJJFAX 2 213 Sun 16 Fed 2):53/0* W £££"£££"£££ O ,-/.,.,,/ BARCLAY3 R—ISIS STASIS IV FRAUD W—RS Batclazs Miuchanh Sirvjce3, w—ZcX@ X!ndliu the plastic cQrh p4jchasju mad i. over 22mLR1))shops QnT "uvinesveu, iu waging war om fraudsters. T @ /d @@@@@Y@J\Z^@ Risk Management System whieh user the j l etwor t t the two minlion rard transurtjon; @ @ The system jtghlights any patterns which might indicate thQt fraudsters are taking advantage of a ritailiy. It alkU detUcts t@j 2i oLjt! of retailemW 0 T Nationbl Savings 257 Sport 300 Front page 100 TV 600 Next News MoneyProg Sport Main Menu