P482 CEEFAX 2 482 Sun 16 FedC21:43/10   U    MALAWI (31/01/97) 1/2 Exercise reasonable care over pesto.al security, pattic4lar\y after dark. @ Avoid travjm out of   @ Many main roads are dangjtous with hazards such as pothole and abandoned u^lit vehicles whiaX often cause serious accidents. Emjtgjncy sjzvicjs are basic. ,hj armed hj-jacking of expensive cars and four-wheeled drhvj vehicles iu prevblint.  Travel headliner *30 Front pag 1/16 FCO 9 News HeaTs Weathjt Main Mink
P482 CEEF@X 2 4 2 S:n 6 Frb 2 :43      2/16 W"k££"£££"£3£  JA A+I (31/1/*7) 2O2 In Blantyre, Lilongwe, Mz2zu & tourist destinations such as Nkh2ta B!=* Sing Bay (aka Salima) and Aape Maclipr br a\Rut@V#r ZjffUrs @BAn sNbtcPUrs@a.h@@ Im rjeint monTh; sj6jr1l Brhtiuh  virtuous have been robbrd  in Senga Bay, Nk(ara Bay and Blantyre.     Vtsitors should be wary of drugs ejinf p\a^tUe S] lhjiralufobgj. TYjs @ money to allow onward ttavjl. p ? Bi X who oflir to act as toir guides. Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FaG 9 Vewu Hjpd2 A+j thry BMai& Mun)
P482 CIIFA 2 482 Sun 16 Feb 21:90/28  )l<d|,|h<l4| h4|,h4 U R  0@@6 'b£££"£££"£££ C MALAYSQA T24/01/97*  Travellers to Malaysia flying ovjx Afghanistan sho4ld bi aware thQt there are threats from military@activity to civil aircraft overflying Afghanistan @ o routes.QOthjts, including all British carriuts, use alternative router] V<76 and V500, on which the threat iu assessed as minimal. @ Ttavj\lets shot\d cPeck direct jitXet wUth travel agents or aisle.eu w(ich route5 individual airlinqu are ushng. @@ h Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO : News Heads Weathjt Main Menu
P482 CJEFAX 2 482 Sun@16 Feb 21:44/24     4/16 £££"£££"£££  M!LDIVRS T17W)2W96) Visitors to the Maldives should note e drug offences. @ @@ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4k03/4 @ @@ Ttavjl headlines 630 Front page 109 FCO :Q News Heads 'jathjt Rain Menu
P482 CJEFAX 2 482 Sun 16 Fed 21:44/18   WU $kV $kj 'k  5/16 W$£££"£££"£££  MAL (20/01/97) Mali is rijati6jlz trouble-free, bzt banditry is still a risk in the area nojth oj Mopti, Gao bnd Timbuktu. Thjti have been isolalud incidents of mugging in Bamako itself and jisitors should avoid carting valuables in public. Foreign Office Travel p171 238 4*03/4 Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 9 News Heads Weather Main Mink
P482 CEEFAX 2 482 Sun 16 Fed 2):58/43  T Wj $Sj $kj 'k S 6/16   MEXICO X23/12/9-) 1/3 stUtUons@a d gX@ular eouri#t bitUs@ robber= in ur"an areas. Resistance is ftjqujntl= met whth 6iolince. Vjuitgr1 are advised to take sjnsjdli precautions and be alert.  Particular care should bj taken on public transport, at airports, bus a Use only taxis from autXorised ranks (sitiosR. @ Passjngjrs using othjt taxis in Mexico City face a much dig(et risk of track and robbjt=. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 9 News Heads Weathjt Main Menu
P482 CJJFAX 2 482 Sun 16 Feb 21:35/08   U  7/16   M C 3/12 6 2/3 Thjte is@a risE oe rodbjry oulside of Michoacan, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chiapas and Campjchj. @ Avoid travel after dark and isolated bjachju bt!all timer. @ TXjre have been recent incidents of violence in Southern Mexico against Mexican govjtnmjnt installations, re ulthng in cas5altie1 Qmong police and armed forces. Foreigners have not been targetted.  Travel headlines ,30 Front page 100 FCO 9 News HeQds Wjathjt Main Menu
P482 CJEFAX 2 482 Sun 16 Feb 2 :59/32 F   8/16 £ £"£££"£££ ££ £ £ £££££ ££ £££ £ ££ MILJCO T23/12/:6) 3'3 0tUNfi aavjeY@HaZUh@P—v@picSVM@up@tcj @ Guerrero, Chiapbs,@Istado de Mexqco, Puebla and Tabasco. C Thjti is still tension im Northern a^h Cjnttal hiapbs.a @@ @ Travellers should not venture oef mbin roads witXout first seeking local advice. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Foreign Office Travel 0171 238 4503/4 * @ @ @ FC 9 News Heads WeQthjt Main Menu
P482 CEIFAX 2 482 Sun 16 FjbC21:59/26 j£3kjn3kjPek V^ F 0   :/16 W"£££"£££"£££  MOLDOVA X6/1/97)  Avoid non-essential travel to Tran3L dnjestria (gotth-wesl Moldova) which is n^t u^ M^@VULO\ aah the sjjuation is @@predic@able- )hose witX jsventia\ business iL Transdniestria should register with the Convulat Section of the British Embbssz in Moscow, tel: 956 7200 fax: 9)6 7420 Law and order is not a particular proRlim bul keep expjnsivr jewellery, watches etc. out of sight. Dress and behave wYuX common sen3j. Ute officially marked taxis and do not s(are witX strangers. @ Trav l headline 430 Front pag 100 FCO 9 News Hiadv Weathjt Main Menu
P482 CEEFAX 2 482 Sun 16 Feb 21:4(/2     10/16   MONGOL A (6/12/96) Visitors Zaz only e^tet the country bz air or bz train. Entry ovj land bz other means iy not petmiited. As communicQjions wijhin Mongolia are poor, pro6jding consular bs3ist ncU c ^ ej diMMiGk\t]a @@@ @ @@ @ @ @ incteasjnk degrees of violence employed. Only clearly ricogniuable  taxis should be used. It is unsafe to uemturi out after dark oL food. It is not known whethjt maintenance procedures are always propjzly maintained on internal flights. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 9 News Heads Wjathjt Main Menu
P482 CJEFAX 2 482 Sun 16 Feb 21:40/15   U  11/16   MONTSE"RAT (14O10/96) 1/2 @ Montserrat@jxpjtiimced an jxplocjve volqanie jtzption on 17O18 Se8tim"jy 1995 affecting most parts of the island. The capital, Plymouth, has been euacuateh since April 1:9> foe all bul essential businjsv. Visitors are not permitted to enter thjsj areas. Scientists have warned that thjte could be furthjt ex8loujons with little warning, which could result in heavy ashfall and dedris falling over mucX of t j Sour Tranjl headlines ,30 Front pbgj 100 FCO 9 News Heads Wjathjt Main Menu
P482 CEEFAX 2 SFC  ^-l^$>^|h>l4> T4>,h4    12/16    Du8ouitu@of@a2h are ix0jriencjd in some western and north western parts of the island. Scientists monitoring the volqano continue to believe t(at the north of Mont3jtrat is s fe fxom volcaniq activity. @ All 6isitors to Montserrat should lUste\ carefully to Radio Montserrat MW 880 and 92.3 and 92.5) fo volcanie reports which are br#adcast twice a d!y at 0730@and 1930 hrs. local time, and on an ad doc basis during pjtiohs of increased acti6ity. Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 ECW 9 oiw; Head; +jathuu GMajn Mun4
P482 CEEFAX 2 482 Sun 16 Feb 41:41/05   U @ 13/16   M ZUB QUE Armed rodbjty and cai hijacking are prevali]t in Maputo and increasUng. Do not walk alone or display cash ou UUwelliry.@Bvoid unf!Ziliar arias a.d down town at night. Armed banditry has sharply increased on ro1ds outsjdj Maputo. Attacks have been unnecessarily vicious and sometimes fatal. Thjtu are sthml ;nexplodeh mines on little-used roads. ' Ttavjl headliner 434 Front page 100 FCO 9 News Heads A+jathjr Main Menu
P482 CE FAX 2 482 Sun 16 Fed 21:*2/28 j 3kj£3kj£3a  Wj $kj $kj 'k Q 14/16 W"£££"£££"£££  MOZAMBURUE T1:/12/:6) 2/3 Restrict travel to the following roads: @@ @ Maputo to the "eusbno Garcia border post with South Africa; @ Maputo to the Namaacha border post with Swaziland; Maputo nortX as far as Inhambane; Beira/Zimbbbwi (the Beira corridor); BeiraOKalawi (via the True corridor) Travel only between 0800-1500 and, if possible, in the company of two or more vjXicles. ' Ttanjl h adlinjs 430 Front page 100 FCO 9 News Heads +jathjt MQjn Menu
P482 CEEFAX 2 482 Sun 16 Feb 21:42/16   Wj $kj $kj 'k  16/16 /b£C£"£££"£££  NAMIBI! X23/10/96) Whihe inciveng, oa stextt ana c o ft Qd p and visitors should always be vigilant. Take loc l adviqi about areas to avoid and particularly stay away from the townships at night. gravel roads which can bj dangerous. Malaria is denjmic in the north. Seek medical advice before leaving t(e UK on the type of prophylaxis to bj taKen if you expect to visit northern areas. @ Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 9 News Heads Wjathjt Main Menu