P623 CEEFAX 2 623 Sun 16 Feb 21:41/16  —————————————————————————————   TOMORROW'S W  WORLD  ——————————————————————— 1/14 EMERGENCY TRAFFIC LIGHTS Devon Fire and Rescue Service are testing a new device to speed up thieu response times. A fire engine has been fitted with a small radio transmitter connected to Devon's central tt ffic computer. When blue lights are on, traffic lights go green in advancu  and traffic qujujs clear. Eor more information, please contact: DOG David Youngs Devon Fire and Rescue Service Glenn Road @ Plympton Plymouth PL7 2XT BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 Weathjt 400 Education Useful Useeul TV Links
P623 CEEFAX 2 623 Sun 16 Feb 22:47/04  ————————————————————————————— &j5k7j5   TNMO ROWS   WORLD JO ——————————————————————— 2O14 NASA BALLOON FLQGHT A balloon t(at is set to travel@around t(j world on the edge of s0ace. For more information, please contact: @ @ @ @ Bob Martin 1414 Coal Avjnuj SW Al u ue qu New@Zexico 87104 SKA Fhh* R R R BBC2 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 Wear(jt ,01 Education Usjek\ Useful TV Links
P623 CJEFAX 2 623 Sun 16 Feb 21:49/54  —————————————————————————————   TOMORROW'S   WORLD  ——————————————————————— 3/14 PORTADLE PO",CARD FACTORY F Do you gil fed up witX your postcards getting back home after you do? Vivienne Parr= turns her digital holiday snaps into electronic postcards in California, sends them from the desert and is sure they'vj arrived the next day. For more information, 8lease contaSt Kodak Digital Imaging Service Cjnttu Tel: 0800 281 487 BBC2 601 BBC2 602 ITV 60s Ch4 604 Front pbge 100 Sport 300 Weathjt 400 Education Useful Usjf4l TV Links
P623 CEEF—X 2 643 Sun 16 FeR 21:52/27  —————————————————————————————   TOMORROW'S  EW WORLD  ——————————————————————— 4/14 MRI OPERATING THEATRE A scientific breakthrough that could radically change surgrr= forevjt. Thu first MRS scanner in the world that actually a\lows tPj surgeon to operate inside it. Eor more information, please contact5 JjanJPietrj Mossjt St Mary's NHS Trust Public Relations Acrew Building South Wharf Road London W2 1NY ,jl: 0171 725 6505 BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Irons page 100 Sport 300 Wjathjr 400 Education Useful Useful TV Links
P623 CEEFAX 2 623 Sun 16 Feb 21:52/11  —————————————————————————————   TOMORROW'+   WORLD  ———p—p——————p——p————p—— 5/1 MRI OPERATING THEATRE (cont) Mike Head GI Medical Systems Dromoland House Edzcott Ayleubury Bucks UP18 0-P Tel: 01296 770 061 BBC1 601 BBC2 6p2 I,V 603 Ch4 604 Irons page 100 Sport 300 Weather 400 Education Useful Useful TV Links
P623 CEEFAX 2 623 Sun 16 Fed 21:43/05  —————————————————————————————   TOMORROW'S  J WORLD  ——————————————————————— ./14 RESTORED TELESCOPE The Birr Castle telescope in Ireland, the biggest in the world for 70 years, is being restored with a high-tech metal mirror. For more information, please contact5 Deidre Connolly Birr Castle Bert County Offally Ireland Tel: 0509 20336 BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 CT4 604 Front page 100 Sport 3(0AWjathjt 40X Education Useful Useful TV Links
P623 CJJFAX 2 62s Sun 1n Fed 22:)3O39  ————————————————p———————p————   TOMORROW'S  OJ WO LD  ——————————————————————— 7/14 RES,ORED TELESCOPE (cont) Dr David Walkjt Dept of Physics & Astronomy UCL Gowir Street London WB2E 6BT (el: 0171 387 70k0 @ @@ BC1 601 BBC2 6 2 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Irons page 100 Sport 300 Weather 400 Education Useful Useful TV Links
P623 CJEFAX 2 653 Sun 16 Fib 21:43/22  —————————————————————————————   TOMORROW'S   WORLD  ————P—————————————————— 8/1, RJDIO 4 P6OMOTJON @ )adio 4 iu having a competition to win two tickets to Tomorrow's Would Live at the Birmingham MIC. Jntties must nominate the innovation that has changed your life, and what you would like to see invented in the future. The competition closes 28 Fjdruar8 1:97. Science Unit Room 7079 BBC London W2A 1AA ou email: scirad@bbc.co.uR BBC1 601 BDC2 n02 ITV n0s Ch4 v04 Front page 100 5pott 300 +jather 400 Education Useful Useful TV Link;
P623 CEEFAX 2 623 Sun 16 Fed 21:3 /44  ————————————————————————————— &j5k&j5  U T MORROW'S   WORLD  ——————————————————————— 9/14 TOMORROW'S WORLD LIVE will take place on 19-43 March 1997 at the National Exhibition Cjntte, B rmin ham. rganised in association with YES (Year of Engineering Success), TW Live is the first event spotlighting excellencu in innovation. Conj and visit the future 'liveW! For ticket information or if you want to exhidit, plia3U call: 0181 948 1666. BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Irons page 100 Sport 300 Weathjt 400 Education Useful Useful TV Links
P623 CJEFAX 2 623 Sun 16 Feb 21:39/18  —————————————————————————————   T MORROW'S  O W RLD  ——————————————————————— 10/14 THE GADGET ROADTJS, RigXt now Tomorrow's Would is making a fantastic new series all about GADGETS - and we need your help! +e're looking for people to take part in the series, and if you've ever used a gadget you can help us. Vowadays the woyld's bursting at the seams with gadgets. From hi-tech ct o c wi ar r to t s of widgets jhat Wallace and Grommet would be proud of! But just how well do the gadgets that you use really work? BBC2 601@ BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 60% Front page 100 Sport 300 Wjathjt 400 Education Useful Useful TV Links
P623 CEEFAX 2 623 Sun 26 Fed 21:59/01  —————————————————————————————   TOMORROW'S   WORLD  —————————————— ————p— 11/14 THE GADGET ROADTJST (cont) Well, this is your chance to have your say. Wd wpnt people to ro1dte;t some of the vjty latest gadgets and tell us if you thinK thjygrj bizarre, brilliant, remarkable or complete rubbish! You'll be able to take the gadgets home and give them a good trial and then come back to the BBC Studios in Fondon and till us what you think. We supply the gadgets, you supply t(j verdict - hit or miss! BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300AWeathet 400 Education Useful Useful TV Links
P623 CEEFAX 2 623 Sun 16 Fed 21:40/*9  ————————————————————————p————   TOMORROW'S U OO WORLD  ——————————————————————— 13/14 THE GADGET ROADTJST (cont) Perhaps you know any gadget gurus whose home, cars or offices are full to the drim with hundreds of gadgjtu - or anyone whose life has been completely tranbformed or e6j& sa6ed bu a gbdkjt. +eG6e already started work on the prokramme, so please write to us immediately!!! @ @ BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 Weathjt 400 Education Useful Useful TV Links
P623 CEEFAX 2 623 Sun 16 Fed 21:40/12 *h<L,TL,,| —————————————————————————————   TOMW$ROW'S  OO WORLD L ——————————————————————— 14/1, AND DON', FORcE E X $$OW'+@W $ D JN $ZAT ON@@@@@@ LINE: p182 821 2001 @ e-mail: twotld@bbc.co.uk web address: http:O/www.bbc.co.uk/tw or write to: Tomorrow's World Room 4513 BBC 'hiti City 2p1 Wood Lane London W22 7TS @@ @@@@ @@ @ @@@ @ @@ @@@ @@@ BBC1 601 BBC2 602 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Erg^t pbfe 10p Spoke 3QQ WealXet ,0p Education Useful Useful TV Links
P623 H d?=<08<54:???X4]5550<50X ] F iday 14 Fjbruarz 2 * v@A^ PSctkre @@ j@ @@ @@ @ @@ R RhdRdhhdbdTRdR 330) j Club 2 0 G r jning From Sc arch ( @ @@ @ @@ @@@@@ e @ (V/radUo 600 Mews 101 Wear(er 40 Ejanu pb 100 ppot 4p 'ea hen 10 Rear ear *V/Radio Ne s Heads Mai Mnn