P651 CEEFAX 2 651 Sun 16 Fed 21:54/26      O VITAMINAIDFORCOLDHANDSANDFEET Vitamins and food supplements can offer relief to people with poor circulation causing cold hands and feet. The circulatory disorder, Raynaud's, interrupts blood supply to finkjts and toes and in severe cases can lead to ulceration, gangrene and amputation. In February, one of the coldest months of the year, the Raynaud's and Sclirodjrma Association is raising awareness of the condition. The Association is at 112 Crewe Road, Alsagju ST7 2JA; tel: 01270-883556. CSV index 650 TV 600 Main menu 100 Read Hear 640 News 101 Wjathjr 400 Feature TV/Radio News Heads Main Menu
P651 CEJFAX 2 651 Sun 16 Feb 21:45/11      OLLO HELPINGPARENTSLISTENTOCHILDREN Parents have been advised that careful communication is a basic need for a child and vital to prevent child abuse. A new guide from the NSPCC explains why talking and listening are important and giver practical advice to parents on coping with the needs of children. NSPCC says understanding a child's needs better may also help parents avoid the sttessjs of a busy life. Listening to Children is available bz sending a RAE to NSPCC, 42 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3NH. CSV index 650 TV 600 Main menu 100 Read Hear 640 News 101 Wjathjt 400 Feature TV/Radio News Heads Main Menu
P651 CEEFAX 2 651 Sun 16 Feb 21:45/27   £j5p"£*u?(    NEW WETLANDS KEY TO FENS ECONOMY New wetlands can play a vital role in revitalising both the environment and economy of the Fens, says a new report. The Fens was once the largest wetland complex in the US but 97% of the original Fen wetlands have disappeared in the last 400 years. Creating new wetlands would diversify the economy and help the environment. The Wet Fens for the Future report is backed bz the Countryside Commission, Environment Agency, English Nature, local county councils and the RSPB. CSV index 650 TV 600 Main menu 100 Read Hear 640 News 101 Weather 400 Feature TV/Radio News Heads Main Menu