P448 Teletext 448 Dec22 23:22:27                                               bz PAUL ROSE  CHAPTER 3: The fight before Christmas Terry Turkey threw a bomb, He blew up Santa - now he's gone, But what's that hiding in the miss, Is it a trap door? It is, oh yes. Jokes 'Zine MaCauley Digitisjr
P448 Teletext 448 Dec22 23:30:17 Look - it's a trap door.  Terry didn't blow Santa  up after all. Phew!       Look over there..                       R                                               Jokes 'Zine MaCauley Digitisjr
P448 Teletext 448 Dec22 23:34:21  3/11 ..Some fella's getting  out of another trapdoor!                                   It must bj Santa! Let's  go get him boys!!   Jokes 'Zine MaCauley Digitisjr
P448 Teletext 448 Dec22 23:27:10  4/11                                                        Hold it Santa!          Jokes 'Zine MaCauley Digitisjr
P448 Teletext 448 Dec22 23:24:27  5/11   You're not Santa!       No, I'm Bambjr Boozler.   I dropped mz corn cobs   in the barrel, and fell  W in as I attempted to   retrieve them. The   explosion revealed a    trap door, through    which I escaped.             Then where's   Santa gone??                      Jokes 'Zine MaCauley Digitisjr
P448 Teletext 448 Dec22 23:21:27 Here I am!                                                                                         But Santa, why did your small   elfin hjlpjr tell us that you   were hiding in a barrel?   Jokes 'Zine MaCauley Digitisjr
P448 Teletext 448 Dec22 23:28:40  7/11 It was all a big mistake. You see, Edward the Elf had helped himself to mz personal brandy supply. The hapless imp became disorientated and issued a statement pertaining to a fictional barrel/hiding incident.     Coo.                                    Anyway, I can't keep   chatting. It's late, and    I'vj deliveries to make.    I'll use some of my magic   to send you boys home.. Jokes 'Zine MaCauley Digitisjr
P448 Teletext 448 Dec22 23:11:18         8/11                                                              W      Jokes 'Zine MaCauley Digitisjr
P448 Teletext 448 Dec22 23:18:16 AND SO...  9/11 Ahh, home at last. I wonder what presents we'll get. Hang on, Glug - I just realisjd - I haven't seen Terry Turkey all episode. Do you know where hj is, Glug?                                                          Jokes 'Zine MaCauley Digitisjr
P448 Teletext 448 Dec22 23:12:22 GLUG?!  10/11   (BURP) Merry  Christmas everyone!                                                                         THE END!! Jokes 'Zine MaCauley Digitisjr
P448 Teletext 448 Dec22 23:19:29    11/11                 The Worm With Style wants    to hear from you! Tell him    about yourself, and what   you like about his stories.     All writers will receive a   signed picture of Turner   and Glug the Slug.           Write to him at..      TURNER THE WORM      c/o TELETEXT    PO BOX 297    LONDON SW6 1XT      Jokes 'Zine MaCauley Digitisjr