P454 Teletext 454 Dec22 23:32:28       ——  ————————————————————  ——————  FANCY YOURSELF AS  A PERFORMER   The most original interpretation of a favourite festive number wins... SIX CD SINGLES Sing your own favourite carol or song and one winner will bj selected from all entries received. Simply call... 08:1 787 4u4 1994: Lyrica returns to former glories. ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— alls cost 36p/min cheap, 48p/min other OUR LATEST WINNER: A DUET FROM JULIA AND VERONICA FROM EASTBOURNE. Postman's KO Word Master Bridge Arts
P454 Teletext 454 Dec22 23:23:11    GAME   34  ——  ———————————————————————  —— Yes...we know...the last one was  SO easy..."Do they know it's  Christmas time" was the answer.   Now, as it's coming up to CHRISTMAS, we thought we'd give you a treat for the next couple of the weeks and go out of 1993 with a bang! Wj want to hear YOUR favourite CHRISTMAS carol or song. This time, you CHOOSE the song and then give it your best shot on... 08:1 787 4u4 Conj on now, it's party time on Lzrica! ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— Calls cost 36p/min cheap, 48p/min other 0891 787 455 for SUPERB renditions! Postman's KO Word Master Bridge Arts