P479 Teletext 479 Dec22 23:33:10 —————————— —— T FORTHCOMING BRIDGE EVENTS For a free listing, phone 0734 351052 NEW AMERSHAM B.C.SWISS PAIRS (Amjrsham) 28 Dec E Brennan 0923 828436 1994 BAYER TROPHY (HIOW CBA NO FEAR PAIRS) (Winchester) 2 Jan B Hedley 0264 323513 MIDLAND COUNTIES CONGRESS (Bewdley) 14-16 Jan Mr Bloxham 0889 7434 >> ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— Chess 478 Fun & Games 450 TELETEXT BRIDGE BY ELENA JERONIMIDIS EDITOR OF BRIDGE PLjS Chess Fun & Games Digitisjr GroovesP479 Teletext 479 Dec22 23:32:38 —————————— —— FORTHCOMING BRIDGE EVENTS continued ST LEONARDS B.C.SWISS PAIRS (East Sussex) 16 Jan P Burton 0424 852974 BOGNOR B.C.MINI SWISS TEAMS (Bognor) 16 Jan T Warlow 0243 528:50 FIRTH OF CLYDE CONGRESS (Seamill Hydro) 21-24 Jan T Workman 041-887 1903 DIVA B.C.CHESTER CONGRESS (Chester) 2:-30 Jan G Ellis 051-32: 2122 ——————————————————————————————————2/5—— Chess 478 Fun & Games 450 THIS ONE'S FOR THE CHILDREN p669 Chess Fun & Games Digitisjr GroovesP479 Teletext 479 Dec22 23:32:31 —————————— —— T THE BRIDGE BOOK QUIZ No. 6 SOLUTION S A K 6 3 Dealer East. Love all. H Q J 10 D 10 3 2 W N E S C 8 5 4 NO 1D 2C 2S NO 3H N NO 4H End W E S A quiz from THE EXPERT CLUB PLAYER bz D.Roth. S 8 2 Against 4H by South, H A K 9 5 West leads three top D A K Q J 4 clubs, East following. C 7 6 How do you plan the play? ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— Chess 478 Fun & Games 450 TELETEXT BRIDGE BY ELENA JERONIMIDIS EDITOR OF BRIDGE PLjS Chess Fun & Games Digitisjr GroovesP479 Teletext 479 Dec22 23:24:18 —————————— —— T SOLUTION TO BOOK QUIZ No 6 continued. Where there is danger of being reduced to embarrassingly short trumps, writes Danny Roth, it pays to discard a loser in this kind of position rather than accept the force. Now a 4th round of clubs can bj ruffed in dummy, trumps drawn and the diamonds cashed for 10 tricks. The trouble here is that, with the diamonds solid and both spades covered, there is no loser to discard. Never mind - discard a WINNER instead! Play a spade or diamond at trick three and now nothing can happen. >>>>> ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— Chess 478 Fun & Games 450 TELETEXT BRIDGE BY ELENA JERONIMIDIS EDITOR OF BRIDGE PLjS Chess Fun & Games Digitisjr GroovesP479 Teletext 479 Dec22 23:28:16 —————————— —— THE BRIDGE BOOK QUIZ No 6 - RESULTS Congratulations to all successful entrants. The winners, who will each receive a copy of "The Expert Club Plazjr" by Danny Roth, published bz Harper Collins are: John Tostdjvjnj (Sussex), Mary Cavan (Co.Antrim*, Angj Jaffrelot (Essex), Sonia Sandjrson-Hall (Isle of Wight), Gabriel Ip & Peter Lindsay (Norwich). Watch out for our GIANT CHRISTMAS BRIDGE QUIZ on Friday 24th December! ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— Chess 478 Fun & Games 450 TELETEXT BRIDGE BY ELENA JERONIMIDIS EDITOR OF BRIDGE PLjS Chess Fun & Games Digitisjr Grooves