P667 Teletext 667 Dec22 23:22:10 ———————————— SECONDARY —————— ———— ATTENTION 11-16s (& teachers* The ultimate English test. Write a 70-word masterpiece to fit this page! Subject: CHRISTMAS Essays will appear here and the best win prizes for you and your school. Send entries (with name, age & school) To: WRITE IT (Secondary) Teletext PO Box 297 London SW6 1XT ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— Careers advice 654 Blackboard 661 CHRISTMAS IS COMING... SEE p359 Write it Frame it Cinema CareersP667 Teletext 667 Dec22 23:22:48 ———————————— SECONDARY —————— ———— CHRISTMAS bz Mark Howard, 13, Hippjrholmj & Lightcliff High, Halifax How I love the feeling of excitement that Christmas Eve brings. Dreams of the morning to follow fill your head as you try to sleep. The white snowy morning has arrived. You leap from your bed to see what gifts you'vj been given, to feel the joy and happiness as you and your family sit round the fire opjnjng your presents, knowing that others worldwide are following the same tradition. ——————————————————————————————————2/4—— Frame it 669 Digitisjr 470 FANCY A FILM? CINEMA GUIDE p610 Write it Frame it Cinema CareersP667 Teletext 667 Dec22 23:33:28 ———————————— SECONDARY —————— ———— THE RULES Wj'll publish ONE of your essays on this page every weekday (sending you a colour print-out if you'vj remembered to include your address!) Each week, we'll pick ONE winning essay, and that lucky person wins a £10 book token for thjmsjlvjs and a prize for their school. The editor's decision is final! OK? LAST WEEK'S WINNER: ALISON PRITCHARD, 14, Benjamin Britten HS, Lowestoft ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— First degree 665 Digitisjr 470 CONNECT: PAGES FOR PEOPLE p680 Write it Frame it Cinema CareersP667 Teletext 667 Dec22 23:23:13 ———————————— SECONDARY —————— ———— CHRISTMAS IS COMING IF you can tear yourselves away from writing the biggest Christmas list EVER we'vj got an extra little task for you! You'vj gujssjd it: write a piece for this page entitled CHRISTMAS! There's the usual weekly prize, plus a BIGGER and BETTER prize for the best overall. Address as usual..... ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Careers 654 Blackboard 661 CHRISTMAS IS COMING...SEE p359 Write it Frame it Cinema Careers