P308 4-Tel 308 Sat 7 Jan C4 01:47:44          THE BATTLE OF THE SEXES  This afternoon, 14.25-16.00 Mr Martin (Peter Sellers) is the chief accountant of an old-fashioned Scots tweed company, who sets out to sabotage American efficiency expert Angela Barrows (Constance Cummings). At first Martin attacks her systems, but when the chief executive (Robert Morley) begins to dismiss most of his staff, a desperate Martin decides murder is the only solution...  Directed by Charles Crichton  1960 95mins bw Subtitles 888
P308 Teletext 308 Jan 7 02:51:5<         ———————————————————————————  LABOUR ATTACKS "FAT CATS" PAY   Labour has demanded curbs on excessive boardroom pay as it emjrgjd that the heads of privatised water companies had won rises of up to 571%. Shadow Chancellor Gordon Brown said public anger was "boiling over". Directors of utilities were exploiting monopoly positions; perks and share options were making millionaires on the back of price rises and job cuts. ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— FACTFILE Men making the money 324 SHOWING NOW AT YOUR CINEMA p610 Ch4 Next page Headlines Rrgional Spout
P308 Teletext 308 Jan 7 02:51:13         ————————————————————————pp—  LABOUR'S BOARDROOM ASSAULT   Labour's onslaught on boardroom pay has three main aims. It wants: Regulators of privatisjd firms to have powers to cut prices if they see directors' pay and perks as excessive. Income tax on executive share options Firms to bj obliged to publish full details of top salaries and perks and pension fund managers to vote on them. ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— FACTFILE Men making the money 324 WHAT'S THE LOCAL TRAFFIC LIKE? p193 Next pbgj Headlines Regional Sport