P316 4-Tel 316 Sat 7 Jan C4 01:48:43        Tonight, 23.05-00.10  PREVIEW Terry Christian, Dane Behr, Alan Connor and Jasmine Dotiwala take on the usual mix of celebs, musos, superstars and wanna- be's with the return of the Hopefuls. Tonight's programmj features music from Sleeper in their first television appearance and Lovjland. Plus Teeny TV a new breed of pre- pubescent presenters, taking over TV stations in America, and Aaliyah the 15-year-old swing sensation who's living proof that "age aim't nothing but a number". NICAM stereo
P316 Teletext 316 Jan 7 02:51:15         ———————————————————————————  ALTJMETJR CRASH THEORY REJECTED   A wrongly-set altimeter has been ruled out as a possible cause of the Coventry air crash in which five people died. An interim report from investigators gave no indication why the Boeing 737 cargo plane was flying so low that it hit a pylon and clipped houses. The Phoenix Aviation plane was flying into Coventry airport from Amsterdam via East Midlands airport. ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— Headlines 300 Regional 331 WHAT'S THE LOCAL TRAFFIC LIKE? p193 Home briefs Latest Regional Sport
P316 Teletext 316 Jan 7 02:51:20         ——————————————————————————p  AI6 CREW EXCEEDED UK LIMITS   The Algerian crew in the Coventry air crash had exceeded the length of duty time UK pilots are allowed to fly, said the British Airline Pilots Association. The UK-permitted duty time is nine hours while the Air Algjrie crew, if they had landed at Coventry, would have been on duty for more than 10 hours. Experts said tiredness after four landings added to human error theories. —————————————————————————————————p2/2—— Headlines 300 Regional 331 WHAT'S THE LOCAL TRAFFIC LIKE? p193 Home briefs Latest Regional Sport