P444 Teletext 444 Jun24 00:51:12    Singles by   Mink  ——————————————————————————————   CRAIG McLACHLAN Evjrydaz Basically a re-working of Mona, Craig gets to stretch his cheesy vocal chords on this. It's plain and done-a million-times-before boring.  SWERVEDRJVER Last Day On Earth This is more like it. Sounds like The Beatles a bit, but better. If you like your rock a snidgj on the dark side - but with a djfo poppy edge to it - get into thjsj guys!  ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— More reviews to live by here tomorrow! SEND YOUR REVIEWS TO MEGA-ZINE p442 Zig & Zag Angst Mates Grooves
P444 Teletext 444 Jun24 00:51:49    Album bz    Mink  ——————————————————————————————   PAULA ABDUL Head Over Heels Will, what did you expect? Paula comes back at us with more Amjro-pop that is OK if you're in the mood for it. Ofra Haza'a voice adds to the exotic mystique Paula always tried to emulate on My Love Is For Real. Gyms all over the world will bj playing this LP. Not bad for what it is.  ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— Eco Scene 448 Angst 446 DIGITJSER - TOPS FOR GAMEST p470 Zig & Zag Angst Mates Grooves