P463 Teletext 463 Jun24 00:51:22 ———————— —————————————— ECO]FRJENDLZ WINE Sulphur dioxide, pesticides and chemicals are all used in production of red and white wines. Also used are animal by-products such as blood, bonjmjal and egg white. The wine industry in Europe alone uses millions of tonnes of pesticides each year in production. Thjsj chemicals are not usually listed on bottle labels. ——————————————————————————————————1/3—— Scene for the teens 440 DATES FOR YOUR GREEN DIARY p464 What's On News Green Action GroovesP463 Teletext 463 Jun24 00:50:18 ———————— —————————————— ECO-FRJENDLZ WINE A glass of wine may not bj as good for you as you once thought. The Natural Wine Club estimates that on top of pesticides, some 20 enhancers, presjrvativjs and colouring agents are added to the wine. It believes this is one reason why vineyards don't list ingredients on the labels. And France's alcoholic drinks industry is the second largest user of agro-chemicals in the country! ——————————————————————————————————2/3—— It's Your Life 480 Leisure 482 HAVE YOU BEEN BAMBOOZLED YET? p458 What's On News Green Action GroovesP463 Teletext 463 Jun24 00:50:22 ———————— —————————————— ECO]FRJENDLZ WINE Measures for listing chemicals used in wine production on bottle labels are a long way off, says the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food. "A recent proposal was dropped by the French presidency," a spokesman said. If you would more information about natural wine, write to: Natural Wine Club, 2-5 Old Bond St, Mayfair, London, W1X 3TB. ——————————————————————————————————3/3—— Send your environmental events lists to GREEN EVENTS, TELETEXT, PO BOX 2:7, LONDON, SW6 1XT What's On News Green Action Grooves