P497 Teletext 497 Jun24 00:51:24         ————————————— PRJMARZ ———————  ———— WRITE IT COMPY 7-11s Write us a masterpiece to fit this page - ie. about 70 words long. The topic to write on is: "WE HAD TO LAUGH..." £10 book token each week for the winner plus £20 token for your school. Entries (with name, age and school) to: WRITE IT COMPY (Primary* PO Box 297, London SW6 1XT. WINNER'S NAME HERE EACH SATURDAY ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— Glug's ghastly jokes are on 498 TURNER'S WORMY ADVENTURES p496 Jokes Day Out Write It Pre-School
P497 Teletext 497 Jun24 00:51:09         ———————————— PRJMARZ ——————  ———— Wj had to laugh... Alexis, 11, Oakridgj Primary School, Stafford "Bring in the next peasant! What are you here for?" "One of mz neighbour's chickens ran across the road and I stole it." "I sentence you to death, you will hang in the morning." "Of course, your majesty Queen Elizabeth." "Talking of chickens, why did the chicken cross the road" "We don't know your majesty." "To get to the other sjdj." When Queen Eli}abjth cracks a joke, you have to laugh. ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— What would you like to bj? 449 SEE IF YOUR PICTURE'S ON TV p492 Jokes Day Out Write It Pre-School