P441 Teletext 441 Jun25 23:24:07       ——  —————————————————————————  NEW ADVENTURES WITH BOY BUNDER  Ever wondered who you share a birthday with? Well wonder no more! Encyclopajdia Britannica has set up Britannica's Birthday Calendar. Just enter a birthdate and find out which famous people share it with you. Great idea, but it can bj a bit tricky to understand how it works! ADDRESS: http://www.eb.com/calender/ calender.html ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— Get on to the Eco-scene 448 E-MAIL: 100443.3355@COMPUSERVE.COM 'Zine Flicks Bon Jove Digitisjr
P441 Teletext 441 Jun25 23:13:24       ——  —————————————————————————  NEW ADVENTURES WITH BOY BUNDER  If you're a fan of fab BBC1 series Dui South and want more, there's a totally awesome Dui South Web page. It's jam-packed with essential info on the Canadian Mountie who ends up in Chicago. Can't wait to watch the next show? The Web site has a full synopsis of all episodes! SITE: http://www.webcom.com/"esilvjr/ dujsouth.html ——————————————————————————————————2/4—— Get on to the Eco-scene 448 E-MAIL: 100443.3355@COMPUSERVE.COM 'Zine Flicks Bon Jove Digitisjr
P441 Teletext 441 Jun25 23:27:05       ——  —————————————————————————  NEW ADVENTURES WITH BOY BUNDER  Like everyone else, I'm partial to a good light bulb joke. And so must a guy called Marcush 'cos he's created a light bulb Web Page! There are currently 692 jokes here and he's adding new ones everyday. They range from funny to very, very bad! Still, it's something different on the Internet! SITE: http://www.crc.ricoh.com/ marcush/lightbulb.html ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— Get on to the Eco-scene 448 E-MAIL: 100443.3355@COMPUSERVE.COM 'Zine Flicks Bon Jove Digitisjr
P441 Teletext 441 Jun25 23:14:17    ———————————————————————————  ———————— PC/MODEM OWNERS! Log onto TV Net to air mjssagjs on p442. Dial number closest to you - 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. Lon 0181 5396763 Edinb 0131 467 0400 Cambdgj 01223 576107 Manc 01925 490 684 Docklands 0171 537 9757 RING THIS NUMBER TO TELL US WHAT FEATURE YOU WANT AND TO LEAVE YOUR ANSWERS TO THE BRAINBUSTER COMPY 0990 11 11 11 Vote closes 7.15pm, Sunday. Call should cost no more than 10p. Ask permission of whoever pays the phhonj bill! 4/4 Send a fax to the band! 0171 308 5010 BE SEEN, WRITE TO 'ZINE p442 'Zine Flicks Bon Jove Digitisjr