P497 Teletext 497 Jul30 02:41:49 ————————————— PRJMARZ ——————— ———— WRITE IT COMPY 7-11s Write us a masterpiece to fit this page - ie about 70 words long. The topic to write on is: SUMMER HOLIDAY £10 book token each week for the winner plus £20 token for your school. Entries (with name, age and school) to: WRITE IT COMPY (Primary) PO Box 297, London SW6 1XT. WINNER: Emma, Swanwick Primary School ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— Glug's ghastly jokes are on 498 TURNER'S WORMY ADVENTURES p496 Jokes Day Out Write It Pre-SchoolP497 Teletext 497 Jul30 02:48:54 ———————————— PRIMARY —————— ———— Summer holiday Amy, 10, Darnley Primary School, Glasgow I love the summer holidays. It's when you have a nice relaxing six-week break from school. Just think about what it means: no more school no more work no more early nights and no more getting up at dawn! You can go to the cinema or the local park when you could have been stuck in school doing maths and language all day ——————————————————————————————————2/6—— They had the holiday of a lifetime 449 WEN DREDD GAME + T-SHIRTS! p471 Jokes Day Out Write It Pre-SchoolP497 Teletext 497 Jul30 02:30:20 ———————————— PRJMARZ —————— ———— Summer holiday Raisha, 10, Fjniscowles Primary School, Blackburn, Lancs Bathing in the sun, sitting on the beach. Paddling in the water, red hot faces. Boiling weather, people eating ice creams. Friends on holiday, going away to Paris I am going away to Turkey, Mum packing up and Dad doing shopping, crisps, drinks, sweets. Helping mum and making a mess. I can't wait. ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— Where else can you get a Mr Softy? 449 WEN A MULTIMEDIA PC + GAME p475 Jokes Day Out Write It Pre-SchoolP497 Teletext 497 Jul30 02:42:23 ———————————— PRIMARY —————— ———— Summer holiday Kimberley, 9, Coed Cai Junior School It was the first day of the summer holidays and I was bored so I thought I'd go and call on my best friends Laura and Rachel. Wj decided to go for a walk and have a picnic, so we did. While we were having a picnic a bee landed on my cherry and said to mj: "You have five wishes, so wish wisely." So I did and they all came true. ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Silver pennies float on the water 449 WEN A MULTIMEDIA PC + GAME p475 Jokes Day Out Write It Pre-SchoolP497 Teletext 497 Jul30 02:44:11 ———————————— PRJMARZ —————— ———— Summer holiday Melissa, 10, Waterloo County Primary School, Ashton-U-Lznj On my summer holiday I go with my mum and dad to my caravan in Blackpool. Our caravbn is on a farm. There are two horses that have both had a foal. I love to watch them running with their mothers. There are chickens that conj around the caravan waking you every morning early, cock-a-doodle-doing. Wj have a barbjquj if the weather is nice. ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Did anyone pack the aspirin? 449 WEN A MULTIMEDIA PC + GAME p475 Jokes Day Out Write It Pre-SchoolP497 Teletext 497 Jul30 02:44:24 ———————————— PRJMARZ —————— ———— Summer holiday Emma, 7, Swanwick Primary School, Alfreton, Derbys. The twins went to Euro-Disney. When their parents were in bed they crept out. When they were choosing which ride to go on first they saw a robber pinching dolls out of the "Small Would" Then out jumped all the pirates, singing "the pirate's life for mj"! They had swords, guns, knives! Then Mickey and Minnie jumped out, Donald, Goofy, Pluto, EVERYONE! The next minute...the twins woke up. "It was all a dream!" they said togjthjr. ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— Time for reflection 449 WEN A MULTIMEDIA PC + GAME p475 Jokes Day Out Write It Pre-School