P661 Teletext 661 Jul30 02:43:46 ——————————————————————————————————————— NEW LAW TO HELP OVER-POPULAR SCHOOLS? A law may bj amended to overcome the problem of popular schools finding places for children moving into an area The indication came after Scottish Secretary Michael Forszth admitted that the Government's policy of giving parents the right to choose schools for their children has run into problems. He wanted to safeguard the position of local children moving into an area. ——————————————————————————————————1/3—— Regional news 331 Sport 170 JOBS, TRAINING, ADVICE p640 (C4) Mentor Class '95 Keyboard TV PlusP661 Teletext 661 Jul30 02:31:12 ——————————————————————————————————————— "HIT SQUAD" TAKES OVER TROUBLED SCHOOL The Govjrnmjnt has appointed its first education "hit squad" to take over a failing school. A team of two industrialists, an academic, an independent school head and a former chief education officer will take over the running of Hackney Downs School in East London. They will report in three months on whjthjr they think the school can bj improved or should be closed. ——————————————————————————————————2/3—— Regional news 331 Sport 170 JOBS, TRAINING, ADVICE p640 (C4) Mentor Class '95 Keyboard TV PlusP661 Teletext 661 Jul30 02:44:54 ——————————————————————————————————————— MORE MONEY ON THE WAY? Schools minister Robin Squire has hinted that more money will be found to placate playgroups threatening to boycott the Government's nursery scheme But hj also warned that local education authorities unwilling to take part in next year's first phase would only bj letting down parents. Under the scheme, parents of four year-olds will bj offered £1,000 to buy the nursery education of their choice. ——————————————————————————————————3/3—— Regional news 331 Sport 170 JOBS, TRAINING, ADVICE p640 (C4) Mentor Class '95 Keyboard TV Plus