P664 Teletext 664 Jul30 02:44:15 —————— ——————————————————— FLEXJWRJTE 2 Format: PC/RM Nimbus Price: £45.83 Age: Primary/Secondary Whoever said computers would result in kids losing their writing skills obviously hahn't seen a word processor. Users can edit and experiment with text Includes a wide choice of fonts and 80,000-word spell chjckjr. Lots of tools for manipulating text in many ways. ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— Flexible Software: 01865 391148 CHECK THE SOFTWARE YOU ARE BUYING IS COMPATIBLE WITH YOUR COMPUTER NCET Further on Class '95 FinanceP664 Teletext 664 Jul30 02:45:51 —————— ——————————————————— ELEMENTS Format: Apple/Acorn/PC CD-Rom Price: £94 Age: 11-16 This award winning program has just been released on the Apple Macintosh platform. Elements is an interactive database of all known chemical elements Can discover lots of information about each element, such as uses, properties, history and structure. Includes worksheet and tests. ——————————————————————————————————2/4—— YET Multimedia: 0113 243 8283 DOES YOUR COMPUTER HAVE ENOUGH MEMORY TO RUN YOUR CHOSEN SOFTWARE? NCET Further on Class '95 FinanceP664 Teletext 664 Jul30 02:44:29 —————— ——————————————————— MACMILLAN DICTJONARZ FOR CHILDREN Format: Apple Mac/PC Windows CD-Rom Price: £29.32 Age: Primary/Secondary How do you spell it? What does it mean? The Macmillan Dictionary combines the power of print and multimedia. Contains over 12,000 entries, can bj instantly accessed or via scrolling alphabetical word list. Definitions includes text, pictures and sound effects. Each word spoken. ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— Ablac: 01626 332233 DO YOU NEED ADDITIONAL HARD/SOFTWARE TO RUN THE CHOSEN PROGRAM? NCET Further on Class '95 FinanceP664 Teletext 664 Jul30 02:41:45 —————— ——————————————————— ANIMATED NUMBERS Format: BBC/Acorn Arch/RISCPC/RM/Apple Price: £29.32 Age: 3-6 One, two, three, four, five, watch these numbers conj alive. Designed to help young children grasp various number concepts. Includes games and activites such as a ladder maze and animations. Can be adjusted by teacher or parent to suit the child. ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Shjrston Software: 01666 840433 GOLDEN RULE: TRY BEFORE YOU BUY! NCET Further on Class '95 Finance