P665 Teletext 665 Jul30 02:41:41 NCET ———— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ————— WHY IT? Information Technology (IT) plays an increasing part in the daily life of teachers and learners, particularly as the curriculum requires all school pupils to use IT in every compulsory subject. The National Council for Educational Technology carries out evaluation projects to find out what works best and then tells schools, colleges and parents. ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— FREE Hot Topic information sheet soon>> WORKING FROM HOME? ON-LINE p650 Further on Keyboard Advice Frame ItP665 Teletext 665 Jul30 02:41:17 NCET ———————— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ——————— DID YOU KNOW? Using a computer to produce a piece of writing can motivate students to acquire basic literacy skills. Students can see more clearly the effects of layout and take more care over smaller details like spelling. Improved spelling while word processing leads to improved spelling away from the computer. Corrections are easy so students don't get discouraged. ——————————————————————————————————2/5—— The HOT TOPIC>>>>> NCET PROMOTES THE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING AND LEARNING Further on Keyboard Advice Frame ItP665 Teletext 665 Jul30 02:32:13 NCET ———————— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ——————— THE HOT TOPIC - CD-ROM What does it stand for? What does it do? What hardware do I need? White can I get more information? Although written with teachers in mind, NCET's information sheet contains lots of useful information for would-be purchasers of CD-ROM systems. For your FREE COPY write to: Hot topics (CD-ROM), NCET, Millburn Hill Road, Coventry, CV4 7JJ, enclosing an A4 stamped addressed envelope. ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— Education problems? Write to Wendy 662 NCET PROMOTES THE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING AND LEARNING Further on Keyboard Advice Frame ItP665 Teletext 665 Jul30 02:31:50 NCET ———————— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ——————— REVIEW: ENVISION MAGAZINE Commentators and politicians often drop phrases like the internet, information superhighway and interactive multimedia. Often they have only a dim idea what they really are. What better way to find out for yourself than through NCET's own magazine Envision. It's packed full of information about the latest educational technoloty. Available price £4.50 from: NCET's ORDER HOTLINE: 01203 416669 ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— ASKING "WHAT IF?" FROM A SAFE DISTANCE> NCET PROMOTES THE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING AND LEARNING Further on Keyboard Advice Frame ItP665 Teletext 665 Jul30 02:42:26 NCET ———————— EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ——————— WHAT IF? IT gives students the power to try out different situations and take risks. Children are natural modellers. Through play they explore and extend what they have experienced. A computer model allows students to explore situations which might bj: too dangerous - like flying a plane too impractical - like recording the results of a thousand games of pool. NCET is a registered charity funded by Government to develop and promote the use of IT in education and training. ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— WE FIND OUT WHAT WORKS AND PROMOTE IT! Registered address: Milburn Hill Road Science Park, Coventry, CV4 7JJ Further on Keyboard Advice Frame It