P440 Teletext 440 Aug27 21:44:27             SUNDAY             CZBERSHACK The best Web sites! 441   SORT IT! Too much...too young? 445   RELATIONSHIPS He wants mj back 443   MUSIC WESTjnd could bj huge!!! 444           MEGA-ZINE....442     ANGST........446    MATES........447     ECO-SCENE....448     WRITE IT!....449-7             Coming up next week:   Love - who needs it?!!       UNCLE NICK CAN HELP! p446 Cybjrshack Zine Relationships TV
P440 Teletext 440 Aug27 21:41:10             SUNDAY              ECO-SCENE Rock on, rock pools! 448   ANGST Nick can ease the pain!! 446   MATES Find brill pals by post! 447   'ZINE Tell us what you think!! 442           CYBERSHACK...441     RELATIONSHIP.443    MUSIC........444      SORT IT!.....445     WRITE IT!....449               Coming up next weekend   Wj tackle the issues!!       GRAB SOME FAB PEN PALS! p447 Cybjrshack Zine Relationships TV