P306 4-Tel 306 Thu 2 Nov C4 01:31:31         W E D N E S D A Y 14.10-16.00 SNAKE TREATY TVM 1989 110mins Canadian drama exploring the conflicts between white farmers and long-abused Native Americans, starring Timothy Daly and Genevieve Bujold Find our which programmer are shown in PALplus widescreen on 4-Tel 471 A week's subtitled programmjs on 305  Tuesday's films in a moment... Previews + C4 Today PALPlus Subtitles
P306 4-Tel 306 Thu 2 Nov C4 01:31:16         T H U R S D A Y 14.20-16.00 THE PASSIONATE FRIENDS 1948 100mins bw David Lean's romantic drama stars Trevor Howard as a man whose meeting with former lover Ann Todd triggers emotional trauma 888 01.35-03.25 HELLER IN PINK TIGHTS 1960 110mins Comedy Western starring Sophia Loren as a feckless actress travelling with Anthony Quinn and his troupe - until she puts herself up as a stake in a poker game with a gunslinger... C4 producers may be looking for you 350  Wednesday films in a moment... Previews + C4 Today PALPlus Subtitles