P471 Teletext 471 Nov 2 01:30:15       NO-MAD-IR WHAT ——————  ————————————— Nomad is the working name of Sega's oft-mooted handhjld Mega Drive. With its six buttons, colour screen and curiously angular shape, Sega were rumoured to have been working on the machine for several years. It's likely to get a Japanese release sometime next year but Sega UK is holding back on any release plans for the time being. Yes. But at least we now know it exists. ——————————————————————————————————1/3—— Go Club 440! 440 Everything 400 BUYING A MEGADRJVE PAGE 396 (ITV) Reviews Index Comp-o-Tips Fun & Games
P471 Teletext 471 Nov 2 01:21:09       BLOCK-BUSTED ————————  ————————————— Blockbuster has been forced to re-introduce a £100 deposit as part of its PS and Saturn rental policy bjcausj people were stealing them. At just £6.49 to hire a machine for three nights, some stores reported that several consoles were not being returned or were being held onto for more than the stipulated time. Games are still £3.49. But that doesn't mean you can steal them instead. ——————————————————————————————————2/3—— Turner/Slug 496 Letters/Apes 474 WIN A SATURN p475 Reviews Index Comp-o-Tips Fun & Games
P471 Teletext 471 Nov 2 01:20:42 Advert NEWS UP >> Studio 3DO is delighted to announce Killing Time exclusively for your 3DO system.                                               Trapped in a terrifying first person 3D world, you have serious firepower to deal with real video undead enemies in this ultra-violent 15 rated bloodfest AVAILABLE FRIDAY 3rd NOVEMBER Reviews Index Comp-o-Tips Fun & Games