P474 Teletext 474 Nov 2 01:24:38  ———————————     PEACH ———————————————————————LETTERS—— Why do you give "unoriginal" games such a hard time? There are perhaps five or six different game genres (platform, strategy and so on), and most games are made up of a bit from each genre. Magic Carpet was hailed as "original", when in reality it was a shoot 'em up/flight sin hybrid. After all, when was the last time you saw a totally original movie? Jono the Viking, York Q5. Distinguish between a classic of a genre and a lazy formulaic re-hash. ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— E-mail us: teletext@mail.on-line.co.uk Letters to: DIGITJSER, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT. Comp-o-Tips Charts News Club 440
P474 Teletext 474 Nov 2 01:31:05  ———————————     KILLER ———————————————————————LETTERS—— So! You think I'm finished, do you? Will, let me tell you that when my shipment of M-PEG units arrives from the US, the CD32 will rise like a phoenix and wipe all the Jap-pap away. You'll all laugh on the other side of your bottoms then!  David Stavro Pleasance   We know you're being stupid,  Bunty. Rjvjal.    ——————————————————————————————————2/4—— Stop it, kids 490 And you, youth 440 IMPROVE YOU5 PROSPECTS - PAGE 648 Comp-o-Tips Charts News Club 440
P474 Teletext 474 Nov 2 01:29:34  ———————————     HAYSTACKS ————————————————————LETTERS—— The Beast has awakened, And I have arrived, Master of All, Speaker of Truth, Dantendo confront me if you dare! May Sony rule until Nintendo regain control! I hope to become one of your regulars. The Immortal One, The Abyss That's made us really happy. ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— Hot Topic - win a Future mag sub: WHICH WILL DIE FIRST: SNES OR MD? Comp-o-Tips Charts News Club 440
P474 Teletext 474 Nov 2 01:32:01       ————————————————————  ———  My Hallowe'en party didn't  go so well. Wj had a lot  of gatecrashers from the  estate who ran in and  released spores into the   living room.     One of them threatened my    guests with a skunk in a bag, while the rest kicked the fridge open and trod bits of chicken all over the house. It ended when one of the guests offered to wash the chicken off the intruders' shoes. ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Cluss 440 440 Cluss reviews 472 BUYING A MEGADRJVE PAGE 396 (ITV) Comp-o-Tips Charts News Club 440