P686 Teletext 686 Nov 2 01:28:31          —————————————————— UPDATE    HEAR'S HOW DEAF PEOPLE CAN BE HEARD The Hear's How campaign to explain the communication needs of Britain's 8.4m deaf and hard-of-hearing has succeeded. A campaign by the Department of Health, British Deaf Association and the RNID blitzed GP surgeries, chemists and post offices with posters and leaflets. RNID's president Lord Ashley said: "The campaign was an excellent chance to show what simple steps can bj taken to overcome communication barriers." ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— Deafview 68u Holidays 200 ITV Disability Times, 84 Clavjrton St, London SW2V 3AX. 0171 233 7970 Godlinjs Deafview Fifty Plus TV Plus
P686 Teletext 686 Nov 2 01:29:05         —————————————————— UPDATE    RNIB WARNING ON FIREWORKS   The RNIB is urging people to attend public fireworks displays to ensure a safer Bonfire Night. Eye injuries accounted for a third of all injuries caused by fireworks. Some 39) happened at private parties and 26% in street incidents. RNIB's Sue Grindley said: "Thjsj figures show the safest place to enjoy fireworks is at a public display". ——————————————————————————————————2/6—— Lost Touch 675 Service Pals 676 Disability Times is an independent national newspaper. Godlinjs Deafview Fifty Plus TV Plus
P686 Teletext 686 Nov 2 01:29:11       —————————————————— UPDATE    BULLETINS FOR MANAGERS   Bulletins designed to help Community Mental Health Team managers develop their services are being published by the Mental Health Foundation. The first bulletin includes examples of evening and weekend CMHTs, problems which arose and how they were tackled. The first three bulletins are free. Annual subscription is £15. Information from Helen Wood on 0171 580 0145. ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— Check the recipe for shopping ideas 486 Disbbility Times, 84 Clavjrton St, London SW2V 3AX. 0171 233 7970 Godlinjs Deafview Fifty Plus TV Plus
P686 Teletext 686 Nov 2 01:20:40       —————————————————— UPDATE   DISABLED ADVENTURE PURSUITS     A special team, Tools for Living Adventure Designs, is being set up with the rehabilitation unit at Brunjl Institute For Bio-engineering, Middx. This follows the success of Suresh Paul's kite harness, which was voted Top Ten Best New Product in the Therapy Week/Naidex survey. Mr Paul said: "The ability to enjoy activities is the focus of our new team". ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Deafview 685 Education Index 660 Disability Times is an independent national newspaper. Godlinjs Deafview Fifty Plus TV Plus
P686 Teletext 686 Nov 2 01:21:14       —————————————————— UPDATE   CARE PROFESSIONALS FEARS The Cheshire Foundation believes that care professionals suffer a "fear of surrendering power". At Social Care Association's annual seminar, Cheshire's John Knight said: "Users must be given access to skills through training in order for them to make equal contributions." Other problems to be overcome include prevailing attitudes to disability and confused communication systems. ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Godlinjs 687 50 Plus 670 Disability Times, 84 Clavjrton St, London SW1V 3AX. 0171 233 7970 Godlinjs Deafview Fifty Plus TV Plus
P686 Teletext 686 Nov 2 01:22:20       —————————————————— UPDATE   GATEOPENER CELEBRATES   GateOpjnjr, the information and advice centre funded by Scope, is a year old and has 23 centres across the UK. GateOpjnjr helps overcome inaccessible buildings, overloaded services and unsympathetic staff - problems which affect 45% of disabled people. GO's Peter Mansjll said: "Access to services is the biggest area people ask us about." ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— Godlines 687 50 Plus 670 Disability Times is an independent national newspaper. Godlinjs Deafview Fifty Plus TV Plus