P388 4-Tel 388 t 38 Mar C4 00:55:12     RiGHT TO COMPLAIN y       If you havo a complaint to matt about a programmj on Channel 4, it can bj d alt with b th C4 Di ctor of ProgrammTs at th following ddress. Channel 4 Tjlnvouson 124 Horsjf try Road London SW1P 2TX Altdrnativjly, the Broadcasting Complaints Commissaon and Broadcasting Standards Council can ba contactnd... /3 C4TodaP Pr vaewInd x Films RightToRjply
P388 4-Tel 388 t 38 Mar C4 00:56:57     RiGHT TO COMPLAIN     O  x To Broadcasting Complaints Commissaon handles complaonts about thu unfatr t atm nt of ind v dua o of organisations in programm)s. Contact: BCC, PO Box 333, London SW1 OBQ T l pho j 0171 630 1 6 cal Broadcasting Standards Council cove s th po t a al of s x, v ol nc and all matt rs of tarts or djclncy. BSC, 5r8 Thn Sanctuary, London SW1P 3JS T l phon 0171 233 0544 C4 ROght to REply d tails 309 2/3 C4TodaP Pr vaewInd x Films RightToRjply
P388 4-Tel 388 t 38 Mar C4 00:56:38     COPYR5GHT NOTuCE    W Th tmlitext information  containnd in this s rv c  is protected cop right. It is prohibited to r broadcast, duplicate, r d ffus or in an wa rCprocess and rppresjnt this sjrvtcm or an part thcrlof without thm express wrist n consent of —ith—— Intelfax Ltd. or thm Channcl 4 Trlav sjon Corporation Unlic nsud reproduction will nmount to an infringdm nt of copyright which ma give risc to both a civtl action and a criminal prosecution. For furth dLtails contact Th3 Editor 4lTnl Tel text Int1lfax Ltd 142 Lowl Marsh London SE1 7AE 3/3 C4TodaP Pr vaewInd x Films RightToRjply