P496 Teletext 496 Apr28 22:11:42           O                             BY PAUL ROSE  CHAPTER 7: SALT OF THE EARTH Far in the future, evil snails are attacking the last outpost of civilisation... Write It Jokes Day Out Club 440
P496 Teletext 496 Apr28 22:42:52  2/6 Chaarrrge! Destroy them!                      O U                       O   O        U                   U           O             O              They're coming, Turnjt -   there's hundreds of them! Write It Jokes Day Out Club 440
P496 Teletext 496 Apr28 22:14:49 Hang on, Glug! I'vj just got to3/6 make a few adjustments to the  Worminator, and...                O                 O                                O        +++ DESTRUCT SEQUENCE INITIATED +++    Yeep! What have you done?! Write It Jokes Day Out Club 440
P496 Teletext 496 Apr28 21:47:57 The Worminator is going to blow4/6, Glug. Wj'd bjttet run!    ++ 10.. 9.. 8.. ++                           O                               But Turner, that cavern is formed from salt - the explosion will bring it all crashing down, and you know what salt does to slugs like mj!    Yes, Glug - and to snails! Write It Jokes Day Out Club 440
P496 Teletext 496 Apr28 22:12:27  5/6 Commander, there is no-one here  except for this weird robot. It  appears to bj counting down...       ++ 6.. 5.. 4 ++                      O      O O                  O             You fool! It's a  O trap - RUN! Write It Jokes Day Out Club 440
P496 Teletext 496 Apr28 21:14:04 BUT..  6/6 Aieeee! SALT - I'm melting!    O                                                                            CONCLUDES NEXT WEEK! Write It Jokes Day Out Club 440