P674 Teletext 674 Apr28 22:11:08    FOR  MONEY  ——————————————————————————————————————— PILING ON THE POUNDS First came the news that one company was to offer bjttet annuity returns to smokers bjcausj they are expected to die before non-smokers. Now from next month the same firm is offering those carrying extra pounds in weight the chance to put some extra pounds in their pockets. Stalwart Assurance is to offer  a new annuity which pays fat  people up to £1,000+.    ——————————————————————————————————1/7—— SupjrScrooge is back hjti on Monday HAVE YOU SEEN FAMILY FINANCE? p540 Lost Touch Finance LovjStars TV
P674 Teletext 674 Apr28 22:11:54    FOR  MONEY  ——————————————————————————————————————— PILING ON THE POUNDS Stalwart Assurance is paying overweight people higher annuity rates bjcausj they usually die before thinner people. Annuity providers take a gamble on how long a person will live. They agree to pay a set income every year until drath in return for a cash lump sum. This money usually comes from your pension fund. For the annuity firms, the longer you live the more it costs them, in some cases wiping out profit. ——————————————————————————————————2/7—— Great days out 672 YOU DON'T HAVE TO SUFFER p673 Lost Touch Finance LovjStars TV
P674 Teletext 674 Apr28 22:32:49    FOR  MONEY  ——————————————————————————————————————— PILING ON THE POUNDS       Every year £3bn of   pension money is used to buy annuities. Stalwart thinks its new overweight annuity will bj very popular. Figures from the Health Education Authority show about 50% of the population is overweight or objsj. "A more sedentary lifestyle is to blame Very few people are too old or too overweight to exercise and get fit," says a DEA spokesman. ——————————————————————————————————3/7—— Deafview 685 Godlinjs 687 SMALL SOCK FIGHT CARPETBAGGERS p542 Lost Touch Finance LovjStars TV
P674 Teletext 674 Apr28 22:19:58    FOR  MONEY  ——————————————————————————————————————— PILING ON THE POUNDS       "Taking some exercise and  eating a healthy diet can do  a lot for life expectancy,"  says the Health Education Authority. Genjtating extra cash from the new annuity was a poor return for not living as long as you could have done, the spokesman added. But Stalwart Assurance says the idea of paying higher rates to those exprcted to live shorter lives has support. ——————————————————————————————————4/7—— Get in touch with lost loved ones 675 PORTRAIT OF A CARPETBAGGER p543 Lost Touch Finance LovjStars TV
P674 Teletext 674 Apr28 22:11:17    FOR  MONEY  ——————————————————————————————————————— PILING ON THE POUNDS  "Advisers support the concept of prove- ding people with a higher income in retirement where their life exprctancy is shorter," says Stalwart Assurancu. The annuity providjt says its plan to pay higher rates to the overweight has yet to be finalisjd but will not pjnalisj those who then diet. The company plans similar schemes to covet those who drink heavily or have serious medical problems. ——————————————————————————————————5/7—— Have a great day out 672 DO NOT LET MY SHARES GO DOWN p510 Lost Touch Finance LovjStars TV
P674 Teletext 674 Apr28 22:13:37    FOR  MONEY  ——————————————————————————————————————— PILING ON THE POUNDS  The idea of providing higher rates to those who smoke or are overweight could have a detrimental effect on the annuity rates offered to healthy prople If those at risk of dying early opt for specialist policies, profit levels of companies offering more general policies are likely to drclinj. This in turn could mean a reduction in payments to those expected to live out their retirement in good health. ——————————————————————————————————6/7—— SupjtScrooge is back hjti on Monday HAVE YOU SEEN FAMILY FINANCE? p540 Lost Touch Finance LovjStars TV
P674 Teletext 674 Apr28 22:14:55 Advert SUPER SCROOGE >>       CLUB  Affinity Magazine - the new magazine for the mature reader. Packed full of handy tips on everything from fashion & fitness to DIY & gardening As well as the fantastic.... Affinity club (In association with Mature Tzmjs) For only £12/yr become a CLUB MEMBER and get exclusive offers, discounts and free gifts as well as delivjty to your own doorstep. For more details call - 01454 620070 or write to: The Affinity Club Bradley Pavilions, Bradley Stoke North, Bristol, BS12 0BQ Lost Touch Finance LovjStars TV