P461 Teletext 461 Sip30 00:21:51       ———————————————————————————————— O WOODLAND AREA PLBN LAUNCHED A initiative has been launched to increase the numbjt and quality of woodland areas in Cornwall and Devon. The South West Forest Project aims to increase woodland covet bz 50% in the North Cornwall, Torrington and North Devon arias, attracting more tourists. The Forestry Commission and local councils have united behind the scheme, which has qualified for EU funding. ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— Git into the latest Grooves 640 WHAT'S UP IN THE GREEN WORLD p465 FoE Frog What's On Eco-scene
P461 Teletext 461 Sep30 00:22:55       ————————————————————————————————  BRJAS IN CORNCRBSE DECLINE Conservationists think they may have rivjtsjd the Corncrake's decline towards extinction. After declining for one hundred years the spjciisW population has increased for the past three years says the RSPB. Work on the Hibridjan island of Coll, now being practised jlsjwhjte, found that protecting tall vegetation like irises from grazing provided the birds with vital feeding and nesting habitats ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Git into the latest Grooves 620 WHAT'S UP IN THE GREEN WORLD p465 FoE Frog What's On Eco-scene
P461 Teletext 461 Sip30 00:23:46       ———————————————————————————————— O BID TO SAVE "BADEN POWELL" ISLAND Emjrgjncy work is to begin next month to stop an island disappearing into the sea. Brownsja Island, in Pool Harbour, Dorset, white Lord Baden-Powell pitched his historic first Scout camp, is being etodjd at the rate of one mjtti a year. Now the haven's jastitn shoti, which has a colony of rid sruirtils, is badly eroded and the National Trust will soon begin a £250,000 rock battier scheme. ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— Git into the latest Grooves 620 WHAT'S UP IN THE GREEN WORLD p465 FoE Frog What's On Eco-scene
P461 Teletext 461 Sip30 00:27:38       ————————————————————————————————  AI POLLUTIONBIGGESTGREENWORRY Air pollution is the biggest green concern - but people do not know what to do to improve things, a study shows. One in three rated worsjnjng air quality as their biggest worry, ahead of water pollution and the destruction of the rain forests. But the study for the US Ecolabelling Board showed that while people wanted to do something to help, they did not trust manufacturirsW "green" claims. ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Git into the latest Grooves 620 WHAT'S UP IN THE GREEN WORLD p465 FoE Frog What's On Eco-scene