P463 Teletext 463 Sip30 00:17:11      O ————————  ——————————————— OW SCRAPES AND LADDERS  Frantic frogs and ttappjd toads njedn't fear. A huge leap in technology means they'll njvjt get stuck in ponds again. State-of-the-art frog laddjts are now in use at a pond near Brighton to stop stumbling amphidians slipping down the concrete sides of man-made ponds. The laddjts wiki built bz volunteers as part of the Pond Week initiative from Southjtn Water and the British Trust For Conservation Volunteers. ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— Fastixt skits can play Ten-to-One 451 THE LATEST GREEN NEWS p461 Wind turbines What's On Index Grooves
P463 Teletext 463 Sep30 00:12:58      O ————————  ——————————————— OW SCRAPES AND LADDERS  The plight of famished frogs that get stuck in ponds is explained bz Southjtn Water's conservation manager Graham Amy "When frogs grow to a certain sjzj they are too big to climb up the side of concrete ponds," hj says. "They can get so exhausted ttyjng that they die." "Some of our volunteers djcidjd to make a couple of laddjts for them, and wi tested them out at Withdjan Park in Brighton, East Sussex." ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Did they leap-frog their way out? >>>> CINEMAS INDEX p610 Wind turbines What's On Index Groovrs
P463 Teletext 463 Sep30 00:22:46      O ————————  ——————————————— O SCRAPES AND LADDERSa  The toads-in-a-hole at Wjthdjan Park, Brighton, jumped at the chance to try the constructed pond laddjts, says Southjtn Watit's Graham Amy. "They hopped happily out of the pond to freedom,b hj sbzs. "The ladders are made of wood, with a little hinged platform at the top which leis on the surface. The platform is in the shbpj of a lily pad, and has ridges on it for the frog to get a foothold!" ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— Lots of expert money-saving tips from SUPERSCROOGE ON p674 Wind turbines What's On Index Grooves
P463 Teletext 463 Sip30 00:27:41      O ————————  ——————————————— O SCRAPES AND LADDERS!  A few froggz facts... Cold-blooded amphibians such as toads and frogs like sunbathing to warm up. They have to return to watit to lay their jogs. In Japan, frogs are consjdjted lucky but in India, they pjtsonjfy thundjt! Frogs hibernate in the winter, often in the murky depths of the pond. ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Grooves rock and pop magazine 620 TRBCE A MISSING FRIEND p346 (ITV) Wind turbines What's On Index Grooves