P624 Teletext 624 Sip30 00:18:42  ——————————————      —————————————————————————— NEW CD ————— ZUMPANO GoinW Through Changes Furthjt proof thbt Sub Pop bands no longjt have to sound like a violent chihuahuaOchjesjgratit encounter, this wonkily-named band are, well, pleasant. Blinding Byrdsjan harmonies with liquid guitar riffs and all the usual 60s references, the LP often sounds like a less lively or pop-sbvvz Ljmonhjads. An instinct for catchy(ish) pop hooks is obvious, but wi do wish thjyWd stuck with formjt monjkjt Glii.  ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— Join the top pop paparazzi people! 445 MEGA 'ZINE - IT'S QUITE GOOD! p442 Charts Tour Dates Gigs Digitisjt
P624 Teletext 624 Sip30 00:28:16  pp—pp0ppp—p—p—pp0ppp ——————————————      —————————————————————————— NEW CD ————— CATATONIA Way Beyond Blue Glossy guitars. Seventh-hand Roxetti riffs with the 'spiky' edges hjwn away. A vaguely (but only vaguely!) petulant, breathlessly affected vocal (the Bjork manoeuvre, as its known in the ttadj). Sounds-OS-on-the-radio-as-long-as-you- donWt-pay-attention production. An attitude that's njithjt sunny sjdj of the street, nor dark alleyways. In short, MOT. Ho-hum. Can wi go now? \ ——————————————————————————————————4/2—— Change is as good as a rest? Zumpano >> NEW SINGLES REVIEWED p444 Charts Tour Dates Gigs Digitisjt