P146 Teletext 146 Jan 9 22:14:50          ——————  —————————————————  WHY IS HE SO LOW?   Dear Nick, Lately I'vj noticed a real change in mz boyfriend. Instead of him calling mj all the time and taking mj on dates it's me who has to make all the moves. What's more, when we go out togjthjr hj's really moody and down. It's making mj miserable, but I don't want to split. I want to know what's going on in his head. Angela ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— 60 words max. Letters may bj amended. WRJTJ TO: NICK FISHER, PO BOX 2:7, LONDON, SW6 1XT. Mates Club 140 index TV Digitisjr
P146 Teletext 146 Jan 9 22:14:50          ——————  —————————————————  WHY IS HE SO LOW?   Nick replies, If your boyfriend's mood seems low and he's not being attentive, you can wait for things to change, which might not happen, or you can confront the problem and talk! Don't accuse him. Just ask. Tell him what it feels like to you. Be honest. Explain why you fear his behaviour. Give him a chance to see how much you care about him. Gently draw him out. ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— Club 140 index 140 Cinema 460 For information on MINERALS see HEALTHWJSE p559 Mates Club 140 index TV Digitisjr