P196 Teletext 196 Jan 9 22:14:51                                            bz PAUL ROSE CHAPTER 1: A LOAD OF OLD TAT Turner and Goldblum are visiting a local car boot sale. Turner Jokes Advent Calendar TV
P196 Teletext 196 Jan 9 22:13:21  How much is this broken CD case?      That's four pounds. It's a dial!                                                  W       Oooh, Turner, ooh! Look - a  van selling over-priced lumps  of lard in a bun! Can I have  one, can I? Can I? Turner Jokes Advent Calendar TV
P196 Teletext 196 Jan 9 22:15:56  I suppose so, but haven't you  had enough to eat already? You  finished off that bag of rancid  conkers this morning.                                                  You can njvjr have too much  of a good thing. Wait a second -  what are they selling over there? W Turner Jokes Advent Calendar TV
P196 Teletext 196 Jan 9 22:14:47  Excuse mj, but what are you selling?                                             W                       I only have this one straw   donkey left. To you, sir, a   mete four pence.  Turner Jokes Advent Calendar TV
P196 Teletext 196 Jan 9 22:14:34     I'll take it!                                                          O          Yes, you take it. That cursed donkey has caused mj quite enough trouble. Hahaaha! Hahahah! Haha! Hahahaahaha!    Wot? MORE NEXT WEEK! Turner Jokes Advent Calendar TV