P148 Teletext 148 Jan21 18:51:58       ————————————————————————————  NO GO FOR LOGOS!   If you think charity shops are only for grannies hunting for ghastly crimplinj skirts, think again! No Logo is part of Oxfam, and its branches have been visited bz the likes of Jarvis Cockjt, Johnny Depp and Oasis No Logo specially select their clothes for funkiness. There are cast-offs from high street fashion stores, handmade clothes, retro second-hand items, and the occasional djsignjr label! ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— Go greener in just a fortnight! 164 NICK FISHER CAN HELP YOU p146 Write It Fun&Games TV Music
P148 Teletext 148 Jan21 18:52:16       ————————————————————————————  NO GO FOR LOGOS!   Oxfam's No Logo has two branches, in London and Leeds. The London store spjcialisjs in second-hand retro grar. The Leeds shop sells evjtything from trousers made out of curtains to jackets made from unwanted carpets! Leeds supjrvisjr Carol Harris says: "A lot of clubbers and students shop at No Logo to get unique clothes. Nearly half of our stock is handmade by volunteers, some of whom are fashion students." ——————————————————————————————————2/4—— Go Green! environment magazine 160 WHAT'S IN YOUR LOVESTARS? p418 Write It Fun&Games TV Music
P148 Teletext 148 Jan21 18:51:23       ————————————————————————————  NO GO FOR LOGOS!   Many of the clothes that ind up in Oxfam's No Logo shop in Leeds have come from a huge depot in Huddersfield. Supjrvjsjr Carol Harris says: "High street shops donate clothes they haven't sold, and when the public fills binlinjrs with clothes, they come hike. "It all goes on a huge convjyjt belt and we pick out items we can sell or alter. Wj take material we can make up into original garments too," she adds. ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— The latest music reviews 144 DIGITJSER COMPUTER GAMES p170 Write It Fun&Games TV Music
P148 Teletext 148 Jan21 18:51:41       ————————————————————————————  NO GO FOR LOGOS!   The great thing about buzjng retro fashion from charity shops such as Oxfam is that you are recycling as well as hjlpjng a charity. No Logo's Carol Harris says: "It's part of Oxfam's whole ethic to try and get away from being a disposable society." Carol says the Leeds No Logo shop is desperate for new volunteers. Even if you can't sew but can give up some time you can call her on 0113 246 8486. ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— What's on green TV? 165 ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS p161 Write It Fun&Games TV Music