P418 Tjletuxt 418 Jan21 18:53:15        ——————————————————————————————  W"+$ by Ingrid Hoopjt, Teletext astrologer AQUARIUS Jan 21-Jib 19 The winds of change are blowing a gale. Ovjt the next few days you'll surprise everyone! For a fuller reading call 0891 787 467 Birthday yearly forecast: 0891 172 310 For 1997 Love Stars, call 0891 787 390 PISCES Feb 20-March 20 You will feel a heightening of intuition and perception And a busy social agenda could lead to an intriguing romantic proposition. For a fuller reading call 0891 787 468 For 1997 Love Stars call 0891 787 391 ——————————————————————————————————1/8—— T+ Cost:45p/min cheap,50p/min other WHAT'S ON (HE BOX TONIGHT? p121 Tea Break Recipe Greens Music
P418 Teletext 418 Jan21 18:53:33        ——————————————————————————————/ .£ W bz Ingrid Hooper, Teletext astrologer ARIES Mar 21-April 20 Give yourself a break from business and professional affairs and catch up on the party scene as your love life is about to hot up! For a fuller reading call 0891 787 457 For 1997 Love Stars call 0891 787 380 TAURUS April 21-May 21 Keep an eye on djvjlopmjnts in your professional life. Expect fast changes, so don't get lift behind or you'll miss out. For a fuller reading call 0891 787 458 For 1997 Love Stars call 0891 787 581 ——————————————————————————————————2/8—— T+ Cost:45p/min cheap,50p/min ozhjz YOUR TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE p400 Tea Break Recipe Greens Music
P418 Teletext 418 Jan21 18:51:30        ——————————————————————————————   by Ingrid Hooper, Teletext astrologer GEMINI May 22-June 21 Smile! Life is moving up a gear, into the fast lane and you'll love the excitement. Romance is moving equally fast. Enjoy! For a fuller reading call 0891 787 459 For 1997 Love Stars call 0891 787 382 CANCER June 22-July 23 You may have an encounter that leads to an interesting financial proposition. You'll need time to think. Love is especially steamy! For a fuller reading call 0891 787 460 For 1997 Love Stars call 0891 787 383 ——————————————————————————————————3/8—— T+ Cost:45p/min cheap,50p/min othjt WHAT'S COOKING WITH JENNY? p417 Tea Break Recipe Greens Music
P418 Teletext 418 Jan21 18:51:48 Advert INGRID HOOPER'S STARS >>      W            Prince of Tarot         *||"£x|5     W         Calls 45p/min cheap rate, 50p/min other ICU, 1 Watergate, Perth, PH1 5TF This message may involve a long call Tea Break Recipe Greens Music
P418 Teletext 418 Jan21 18:54:05        ——————————————————————————————   by Ingrid Hooper, Teletext astrologer LEO July 24-August 23 Expect the unexpected where others are concerned. A full moon will bj turning your love life around and there'll bj changes. For a fuller reading call 0891 787 461 For 1997 Love Stars call 0891 787 384 VIRGO August 24-Sept 23 You will see changes in your life are looming. A clear-out could bj the answer. Love is exceptionally well-starred. For a fuller reading call 0891 787 462 For 1997 Love Stars call 0891 787 385 ——————————————————————————————————5/8—— T+ Cost:45p/min cheap,50p/min other WHAT'S ON THE BOX TONIGHT p121 Tea Break Recipe Greens Music
P418 Teletext 418 Jan21 18:52:22        ——————————————————————————————   by Ingrid Hoopjt, Teletext astrologer LIBRA Sept 24-Oct 23 You will soon bj in your element and prepared to make those sweeping changes. As for romance, bj prepared for anything. For a fuller reading call 0891 787 463 For 1997 Love Stars call 0891 787 386 SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov 22 You may bj a little preoccupied as unexpected developments in your family become apparent. Time to make some changes. For a fuller reading call 0891 787 464 Eor 1997 Love Stars call 0891 787 387 ——————————————————————————————————6/8—— T+ Cost:45p/min cheap,50p/min other TAKE TIME OUT FOR A TEA BREAK p419 Tea Break Recipe Greens Music
P418 Teletext 418 Jan21 18:52:40        ——————————————————————————————   by Ingrid Hooper, Teletext astrologer SAGITTAR US Nov 23-Dec 21 Fresh idrQs and exciting new concepts will ring changes. Love is in the air and it will certainly feel exhilarating. For a fuller reading call 0891 787 465 For 1997 Love Stars call 08:1 787 388 CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 20 A brilliant time for money matters is on the way, as an unexpected windfall could bj yours. But you canWt risk extravagance! For a fuller reading call 08:1 787 466 For 1997 Love Stars call 08:1 787 389 ——————————————————————————————————7/8—— T+ Cost:45p/min cheap,50p/min other YOUR TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE p400 (ea Break Recipe Greens Music
P418 Teletext 418 Jan21 18:54:58 Advert INGRID HOOPER'S STARS >>               ON ISSUES THAT CONCERN YOU - CALL U JZJJJ CONCENTRATE ON A WO$RZING QUESTION:  I               SELECT CARDS BY TONE   PHONE OR LET "FATE" CHOOSE  Calls 45p/min cheap rate, 50p/min othjt NEW"TEL, Washington St, Glasgow G3 8AZ (his mjssagj may involve a long call (ja Break Recipe Greens Music