P301 4-Tel 301 Tue 21 Jan C4 18:54:17       PROGRAMMER 21.01. 12.30 Here's One I Made Earlier 327 13.00 Cybill 13.25 Celebrity 13.30 Film: Woman Obsessed 306 15.30 CollectorsW Lot 331 16.00 Fifteen to One 16.30 Countdown 17.00 Rickj Lake 311 17.45 Scrimpjrs 18.00 Babylon 5 18.50 Fresh Pop 19.00 Channel 4 News 19.55 Book Choice: Books of the Century 312 20.00 Wings 330 20.30 Brookside 21.00 314 C4 Tomorrow Subtitles Previews + Films
P301 4-Tel 301 Tue 21 Jan C4 18:54:48   W    PROGRAMMER 21.01. 21.00 Secret History: Hello Mr President 315 22.00 Film: A Time to Live 306 23.45 Film Night 00.20 Film: Salmonbjrries 306 02.05 Film: Rosalie Goes Shopping 306 03.45 Animal 04.00 Schools Eurokids Part Six 04.15 Eurokids Part Seven 04.30 Eurokids Part Eight 04.45 Eurokids Part Nine 05.00 Eurokids Part Ten 05.1u Backdate 0v.00 C4 producers may need you ...... 350 Thjsj are Startext/PDC listings C4 Tomorrow Subtitles Previews + Films