P340 4-Tel 340 Tue 21 Jan C4 18:52:16      PO Box 4000 London W5 2GH  THE BATTLE FOR RJCVETZ BRIDGE There is an information line with contact details for groups campaigning for the rights of older people, plus details of environmental transport campaigns: 0990 11 88 99 Calls are at the national rate and lines are open until 16 Jan 97 DESPERATELY SEEKING SOMETHING Contact details for religions and organisations featured in this series can bj found on a special C4 poster priced £2. Call 08:7 188 177 and the £2 will be charged to your phone bill Address at top of page unless stated  1/k Next page C4 Today Previews + Subtitles
P340 4-Tel 340 Tue 21 Jan C4 18:58:45  W  J  PO Box 4000 London W5 2GH  BROOKSIDE There's a special Channel 4 leaflet which explains where you can find help if your family is affected bz incest. For a free copy, send a large stamped addressed envelope to: Brookside - The Simpson Story (4T* at the address at the top of the page BEASTLY XMAS There is an illustrated C4 booklet exploring the scientific and philosophical arguments on both sides of the debate: Do Animals Really Think? For a copy send a chjquj/PO payable to Channel 4 for £3 to Brute Sense Address at top of page unless stated  2/5 Next page C4 Today Previews + Subtitles
P340 4]Tel 340 Tue 21 Jan C4 18:58:27      PO Box 4000 London W5 2GH  THE REAL HOLIDAY SHOW If you would like to appear in the next series, we'll provjdj the camcorder if you tell us why we should bj interested. Write to: The Real Holiday Show (4T) PO Box 4000 London W5 2GH TIME TEAM To order this year's Time Team site reports call the booklet line on 0990 44 66 99 Calls are at the national rate and can bj made any time Books, videos and music details 381  3/5 Next page C4 Today Previews + Subtitles
P340 4-Tel 340 Tue 21 Jan C4 18:56:33      PO Box 4000 London W5 2GH  COLLECTORS' LOT To order the directory full of handy hints call the booklet line on 0990 44 66 99 Calls are charged at the national rate More CollectorsW Lot details on 331 A CHILD'S GRIEF For a free C4 booklet to help children with grief send an RAE to Child's Grief (4T* at the address at the top of the page Address at top of page unless stated Helplines when relevant are on 320  4/k Next page C4 Today Previews + Subtitles
P340 4-Tel 340 Tue 21 Jan C4 18:51:21      PO Box 4000 London W5 2GH  EDGE OF MADNESS For a free Channel 4 medical guide to schizophrenia with work by people with scizophrenia send a large RAE with 2 first class stamps to Edge of Madness (4T* at the above address DISPATCHES: BROWN LAND If you think your home may bj affected by contaminated land send a stamped RAE to Brown Land (4T* to the address at the top of this page for a free C4 leaflet Videos, books, music on 341 Helplines when relevant are on 320  5/5 Next page C4 Today Previews + Subtitles