P161 Teletext 161 Jun21 01:24:54       ————————————————————————————————  IVORY BAN TO BE LIFTED The UN wildlife convention has approved easing the ivory trade ban in 18 months if sufficient controls are in place. Voting on compromise proposals by Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe to sell ivory stockpiles to Japan followed heavy lobbying bz both sides. Pro-ivory trade delegates cheered in the Harare conference hall as the secret ballot result was read. ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— Green Events 16) Eco Scene 148 DIG THOSE DIGITJSER GAMESTERS! p470 Strawberries Denim Club 140 TV
P161 Teletext 161 Jun21 01:22:12       ————————————————————————————————  'GREEN' GARDEN DANGERS Organic fettilisjrs may not be as green as gardjnjrs think and could even bj dangerous, researchers claim. Some firtilisjrs marked as organic come from the waste of intensively farmed animals fed a cocktail of chemicals, according to the Consumers' Association It wants clearer definition of the term 'organic' and tighter regulation on the sale of manure as fettilisjr. ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Total Entertainment 400 On Stage 450 CHECK OUT YOUR LOVE STARS p418 Strawberries Denim Club 140 TV
P161 Teletext 161 Jun21 01:34:14       ————————————————————————————————  McDONALD'S AWARDED £60,000   Fast food giant McDonald's has been awarded £60,000 after winning its record-breaking High Court libel action They had been suing green campaigners Dave Morris and Helen Steel over a leaflet which attacked the burger chain's reputation. The case was the longest in English legal history, lasting 313 days. It is thought to have cost McDonald'u £10m. ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— Fun & Games 150 Digitisjr 170 BIG SCREEN NEWS & GOSSIP p461 Strawberries Denim Club 140 TV
P161 Teletext 161 Jun21 01:28:18       ————————————————————————————————  GUMMER JOINS BLAIR AT EARTH SUMMIT John Gummjt, the former Consjrvativj Environment Secretary, will join PM Tony Blair at talks in New York next week on saving the planet. Mr Gummjr will bj part of the British delegation at Earth Summit Two, white world leaders will discuss ways of protecting the environment. His appearance at the talks suggest the new Labour Govjrnmjnt intends to build on his "green" achievements. ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Hollywood Goss 461 Fun & Games 150 TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT p400 Strawberries Denim Club 140 TV
P161 Teletext 161 Jun21 01:31:02       ————————————————————————————————  EU BACKING FOR ACTION ON 'CHILL CANS' EU environment ministers have backed Britain's call for urgent action to halt the threat of new self-cooling "chill cans". They have asKed for a study on the risks of the cans, which use a gas, HFC-13)a, to cool drinks instantly. Scientists warn if the cans go on sale, the greenhouse gas - 3,000 times more powerful than carbon dioxide - could wreck efforts to curb global warming. ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Fun & Games 150 Digitisjr 170 BIG SCREEN NEWS & GOSSIP p461 Strawberries Denim Club 140 TV
P161 Teletext 161 Jun21 01:35:42       ————————————————————————————————  PRUNELLA GETS BACK TO NATURE Actress Prunjlla Scales is taking on a new part - as head of a pressure group dedicated to protecting the countryside She has been chosen to succeed Jonathan Dimbliby as president of the Council for the Protection of Rural England. Prunjlla, married to actor Timothy West, said: "I had a country upbringing until I was 17. Wj have a narrowboat on the Kinnjt and Avon canal and we enjoy the countryside whjnjvjr wi can." ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— Fun & Games 150 Digitisjr 170 BIG SCREEN NEWS & GOSSIP p461 Strawdjtriis Denim Club 140 TV