P163 Teletext 163 Jun21 01:31:06         ————————  —————————————————  DENIM TO DYE FOR?  If you're an eco-conscious shoppjt who has foresakjn genetically-engineered foods in favour of "safe organics" - your clothes might be the next to go. So claims Doug Parr of Greenpeace who says US chemical giant, Monsanto are creating genetically engineered plants that produce blue cotton. The aim is to make denim clothes - like jeans, shirts, skirts and dresses that can bj manufactured without dyeing. ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— bz Bernadette Carroll FOR THE LATEST GREEN NEWS p161 Puppy farms Events Digitisjr Club 140
P163 Teletext 163 Jun21 01:31:54         ————————  —————————————————  DENIM TO DYE FOR?  Monsanto have successfully inserted blue pigment gjnjs into cotton plants and have got them to express colour, says their spokesman Colin Merritt. "In addition we are putting gjnjs into plants that prevent cotton fibres from twisting or wrinkling - with the aim of creating drip-dry clothes made of natural fibres." He claims: "The goal of all this work is to slash manufacturing costs." ——————————————————————————————————2/5—— Green Events 165 Eco Scene 148 CHECK OUT YOUR LOVE STARS p418 Puppy farms Events Digitisjr Club 140
P163 Teletext 163 Jun21 01:20:12         ————————  —————————————————  DENIM TO DYE FOR?  Gene crops offer huge ecological bonuses claims Colin Merritt from chemical giant, Monsanto. "For instance our current range of cotton plants have been inserted with a gjnj that makes a chemical that kills insect pests and so need little, if any spraying with insecticides. "In addition blue gene cotton should eradicate dyeing which produces heavy pollution." ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— Fun & Games 150 Digitisjr 170 BIG SCREEN NEWS & GOSSIP p461 Puppy farms Events Digitisjr Club 140
P163 Teletext 163 Jun21 01:32:30         ————————  —————————————————  DENIM TO DYE FOR?  Eco-campaigners fear genetically modified products - from food to clothes - are taking ovjt the Earth. Doug Parr from Greenpeace says: "No one can say for certain the long-term effects of these unnatural products - anti-pest gjnjs could spread from crops creating families of supjrweeds. "The whole business is not only unpredictable, it is also irreversible, it is therefore highly dangerous." ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— Art Exhibitions 442 On Stage 450 TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT p400 Puppy farms Events Digitisjr Club 140
P163 Teletext 163 Jun21 01:22:18         ————————  —————————————————  DENIM TO DYE FOR?  Colin Merritt from Monsanto says any products placed on the market that have been genetically engineered have passed stringent safety tests. "Why then are modified products not labelled - giving consumers the right to choose what they wear and eat?" asks Doug Parr of Greenpeace. The answer rests not with Monsanto but with the European Union where the use of labels is undjt discussion. ——————————————————————————————————5/5— VOICE YOU5 OPINIONS BY WRJTJNG TO: GO GREEN, PO BOX 297, LONDON, SW6 1XT. Fax: 0171 386 5618. Puppy farms Events Digitisjr Club 140