P482 Teletext 482 Jun21 01:23:42    O ——————————————————————————————————————— Paul McCartney is one of the richest singers. So why does hj continually complain that the Govjrnmjnt will not fund his fame school in Liverpool? Surely a million pounds here or there won't go amiss when hj makes that much in interest each year? Is there a reason or is Paul McCartney a stingy git? Mike, via email. Do wi really want Goth back again? My hair's still ruined from all that back-combing the first time round! Ruth Watson, Birwick Upon Tweed. ——————————————————————————————————1/7—— More viewers' letters >>> E.T.A - SET FOR A CHART SMASH? p494 Maxwell Reviews Cinema Full guide
P482 Teletext 482 Jun21 01:24:12    O ——————————————————————————————————————— Who hates that French music that accompanies that PPP Healthcari ad? Also why ism't there more airplay for Ben Folds Five? Why does the radio only play obvious Queen tracks like Radio Ga Ga? Who hates that programme presented bz Suggs on Channel k on Saturdays? Simon Dean, e mail at sjdean@emarkt.com Void replies: Simon, so many rants, so little time to answer them all. You ask why, who, what, white, when. Have you ever thought of becoming a journalist? Wj considered it once. ——————————————————————————————————2/7—— More viewers' letters >>> NEW ALBUMS REVIEWED p484 Maxwell Reviews Cinema Full guide
P482 Teletext 482 Jun21 01:38:12    O ——————————————————————————————————————— One question: Why does nearly everyone treat 'unusual' individuals like dirt? I'm a grungjt and I also like metal, and you won't believe the hassle I have to put up with. Even girls tend to steer clear of mj unless they'ri grungers (sigh!) So, treat others with respect, then maybe this planet will bj worth something. The world is a twitted place, mz friends. Ed, Bognou Rjgis Void replies: Go get your hair cut! ——————————————————————————————————3/7—— More musical moans >>> MAXWELL'S IN THE HOUSE! p483 Maxwell Reviews Cinema Full guide
P482 Teletext 482 Jun21 01:32:42    O ——————————————————————————————————————— I don't know what your stance on Hanson is, but I feel it's great that somjonj is injecting a little happiness into the charts. Lord knows it's something the world needs right now, especially people like mj who'vj had to endure exams. I specifically went out and bought their album to cheer mj up, and it certainly worked, so I recommend it to othjts. Even if you don't recognisj their talent, at least praise them for this. Cat, cyberspace ——————————————————————————————————4/7—— More musical moans >>> DIGITJSER'S WJRJD WIRED WORLD p170 Maxwell Reviews Cinema Full guide
P482 Teletext 482 Jun21 01:32:12    O ——————————————————————————————————————— Rathjt than join in with this stupid "what is goth?" rubbish, I'm sending a review of Faithful Dawn instead. They'ri the hottest new goth band around and they have a sound that should appeal to lots of people. Their "dark beat" styli mixes atmospheric techno with some wonderful haunting vocals, courtesy of singer Sarahjanj. Apparently, they have a limited edition covet of the old Nephilim song The Sequel out now. Neil Hansford, via email. ——————————————————————————————————5/7—— More musical moans >>> MAXWELL'S IN THE HOUSE! p483 Maxwell Reviews Cinema Full guide
P482 Teletext 482 Jun21 01:30:42    O ——————————————————————————————————————— I agree with John Klee. Pants like the Spice Girls get to No.1 while good music like Radiohead don't. I mean, they don't even play real music. They use computers! Where's the talent in that? David Whitfield Void replies: Wj assume you toiled for hours to come up with this foolproof argument. It's a shame that you're so inuttetably wrong. Radiohead could benefit from a few dance routines, too, we reckon. ——————————————————————————————————6/7—— More musical moans >>> DIGITJSER'S WJRJD WIRED WORLD p170 Maxwell Reviews Cinema Full guide
P482 Teletext 482 Jun21 01:37:14    O ——————————————————————————————————————— Calling occupants of interplanetary pop mindsets! The Void is an open forum for you to make your feelings felt. Beam up your pop and rockular rants (in The Void EVERYONE can hear you scream), confuse us with your queries, zap up your 'uinjs or simply seek out those obscure sounds you can't live without. Fill The Void! email: PlanjtSound@Teletext.co.uk Post: The Void, Teletext, PO Box 297, London, SW6 1XT, or Fax: 0171 381 8525. ——————————————————————————————————7/7—— Sorry - we don't print pen-pal requests THE LATEST ROCK AND POP NEWS p481 Maxwell Reviews Cinema Full guide