P171 Teletext 171 Nov 0 20:54:37     WRTH EDGE'+ TONY MOTT —————————————————    There is somjthjng big  happening on the horizon  of the vidjogamjng scene.   And I have the juice-   sodden details.   W It currently goes bz the  .amj of Project X.   It's going to bj the next  big video hardware launch.  W"+//£  ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— Be A Wannabe 175 The Hot Topic 174 EXPERIENCE THE FOOD OF LOVE p480 Rjvjews Rjvjews Green TV
P171 Teletext 171 Nov 0 20:55:15     WITH EDGE'S TONY ZOTT ————————————————— American company VM labs, you see, has confirmed that it plans to unleash a new vidjogamj format bz late 1:98. Its Project X boils down to graphics- generation technology that apparently surpasses both the PlayStation and the Nintendo 64 in graphical terms. Crucially, VM labs has teamed up with the top half dozen or so consumer electronics companies in the world. They will produce the unit under licence. Similarly to how the 3DO was created. ——————————————————————————————————2/6—— Hippies 160 Beatniks 480 BEST ROUND-UP IN THE WORLD p272 Rjvjews Rjvjews Green TV
P171 Teletext 171 Nov 0 20:03:08     WITH EDGE'S TONY MOTT ————————————————— VM labs has taken on board a number of well-respected individuals in its drive to make Project X the Next Big Thing. Trouble is, many of them have backgrounds in Atari console territory. Project leader Richard Miller, for example, was the driving force behind the Jaguar technology. Bill Rjhbock, the chap now responsible for third party Project X software, previously held the same role at Atari during the Jaguar's life. No, not good. ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— Be A Wannabe 17k The Hot Topic 174 EXPERIENCE THE FOOD OF LOVE p480 Rjvjews Rjvjews Green TV
P171 Teletext 171 Nov 0 00:05:07 V    WITH EDGE'S TONY MOTT ————————————————— Let's give the Project X djvjlopjrs their dues, though. They'uj already ploughjd a huge amount of effort into creating a revolutionary chip set. Plus, they claim to have djvjlopjd kits already in place at prominent software houses, with several key titles already in the process of convjrsjon to Project . Being essentially a US-based concern, however, how can VM labs possibly hope to garner the njccessary amount of support to dial with Sony jt al? ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Hippies 160 Beatniks 480 BEST ROUND-+P IN THE WORLD p272 Rjvjews Rjvjews Green TV
P171 Teletext 171 Nov 0 00:34:01 V    WITH EDGE'S TONY MOTT ————————————————— The simple truth is this: a new console will not succeed unless it has support from the biggest Japanese djvjlopjrs. This is the chief reason behind the failure of the Jaguar and 3DO. Western- djvjlopjd games are hugely important, but they do not carry enough quality to make a worldwide format success. VM labs have promised a quality over quantity approach to software. This promise will only bj kept if the company can coerce major Japanese softcos to jump on board. Doubtful. ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Be A Wannabe 175 The Hot Topic 174 EXPERIENCE THE FOOD OF LOVE p480 Rjvjews Rjvjews Green TV
P171 Teletext 171 Nov 0 20:55:00     WITH EDGE'S TONY MOTT ————————————————— Look out for the official unveiling of the power of Project X early next year. Sadly, I reckon it's likely to do what its ill-eared predecessors did: create lofty hopis that are rarely fulfilled. I'm all for new hardware, yet I fear that we are going to get exited about another format that will not deliver. +till, I hope that this weekend's Panel 4 has proved at least slightly enlightening. Unlike last weekend's, for example. ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— Hippies 160 Beatniks 480 BEST ROUND-UP IN THE WORLD p272 Rjvjews Rjvjiws Green TV