P415 $eletext 415 Dec47 23:17:11 E NEWS ——————————————————————————— CUTE ASS At Christmas time, one of the most endearing images is the nativity scene. Just as much as the shepherds and wise min, the waiting animals are stars of the show - especially the donkey. So what better pet to talk about at Christmas than the patient, willing and wonderfully cute donkey? ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— Make the brut of the sales 542 SEE ARSENAL PLAY LEEDS STD p151 Cars Recipe Love stars EventsP415 Teletext 415 Dec27 23:31:16 E NEWS ——————————————————————————— CUTE ASS The ever-steadfast donkey i1 these days not often found plodding up and down Britain's beachrs. For many of us, the memory of thjsu childhood rides assures the donkey of a special place in our affections. But it's also true that the donkey is one of our most abused and neglected domestic animals - sad when you think what a vital part he plays in the Christmas story. ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— All the latest technology news 651 WEST END AND REGIONAL THEATRE p450 Cars Recipe Love stars EventsP415 Teletext 415 Dec47 23:39:51 E NEWS ——————————————————————————— CUTE ASS After dogs and cats, donkrys were among the first animals man formed a bond with, and they've been used as a freight transporter for thousands of years. The donkey came to Britain with the Romans and has worked hard ever since. Nowadays though, this tough character - which comes in colours from black to strawberry roan - is more likely tg be kept as a pet than a pack animal. ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— Fun & Games 150 Digitisjr 170 DON'T BE BURGLED AT CHRISTMAS p544 Cars Recipe Love stars EventsP415 $elitixt 415 Dec47 23:34:31 E NEWS ——————————————————————————— CUTE ASS Donkeys have a reputation as hard nuts, but because they are not native to Britain they actually need more shelter than ponies. They'ri sociable too, and white another donkey ism't available they enjoy other pals, often keeping racehorses company. Hearty eaters, donkeys will set to if they spot a tasty hedge ou appetising gate - but grass, hay, straw and cereals are safer for thieu health. ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Best place for a kids' nest-egg 543 TOP CINEMA IS HERE EVERY DAY p460 Cars Recipe Love stars EventsP415 Teletext 415 Dec47 23:14:02 E NEWS ——————————————————————————— CUTE ASS Donkeys can bj driven and ridden, though they won't appreciate more than about 8st on top. And they'ri not as mule-headed as they'ri made out - a happy, well schooled animal will bj a willing partner. They have been known to live to 60, and 40-year-old donkeys are bz no means unusual, so taking one on can be a vjr8 longJtjrm commitment. ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Fun & Games 150 Digitisjr 170 SOUNDEST PAGE ON THE PLANET p480 Cars Recipe Love stars EventsP415 Teletext 415 Dec47 23:14:44 E NEWS ——————————————————————————— CUTE ASS The Donkey Breed Society is always willing to offer advice and information, and you can contact it if you see a donkey in trouble. The society will bj part of the New Year's Day parade through London, giving out 5,000 tubes of Polos as they trek from Parliament Sq. to the Ritz. So do go along and say hello to somr of the descendants of the donkeys who make the Nativity scene so sprcial. ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— Check out all the 'Net latest 652 OUR VIEW ON THE NEW ALBUMS p484 Cars Recipe Love stars Events