P519 Teletext 519 Jun20 02:59:14 Move on week ————— ————————————————— YrHi — YrLo — Abbey Nat 1306 -9 1435 1134 Allnci&L. 919 +44\ 940\ 744 Anglian W 726 +24 829\ 691 AsttaZen 2519 -14 3037 2362 BAA 662 +5 783\ 627\ Barclays 1979 +135 2000 1288 BG 372{ -13\ 409\ 337 BPAmoco 1179 +14 1191 822 Br.Aeto 408 -19{ 519 388} Br.Airwys 454 -21 553\ 344\ Br.Energy 531\ -15\ 739\ 512 Br.Steel 165 +9\ 165 93 BT 1058 -18 1137 8:9\ Celtic 280 -7\ 357\ 280 Cjnttica 135 -1} 136} 108 ChjlsjaV. 70\ -1 88\ 65 ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— Market report 517 Company news 520 2 YEAR DISCOUNT MORTGAGE THAT COULD SAVE YOU £££'s p628 Weekend Briefing Take Stock CityP519 Teletext 519 Jun20 02:04:54 Move on week ————— ————————————————— YrHi — YtLo — Diageo 695\ -2 741\ 630 Eurotunl 95\ -1\ 103\ 71 GlaxoWjll 1802 -85 2288 1720 HalifaxGp 827\ +11\ 918 686 HSBCOrd75 2377 +64 2377 1558 Hydjt 755\ -9 836 741\ ICE 608\ -33 736\ 459\ LloydsTSB 921\ +64\ 1060 751 Man. Std. 188\ +10 240 170\ Marks&Sp 362\ -7 461 333{ Nat.Power 494{ +5} 536\ 453\ NatnlGrid 457{ -2} 552} 416 NatWjst 1478 +55 1566 1059 NewcstliU 69 +\ 98 65\ NorwichU 434{ +3 486\ 409\ NthnRock 496\ -17\ 610 451 ——————————————————————————————————2/4—— Market report 517 Company news 520 OVER 50? MOTOR INSURANCE? p360 ITVP519 Teletext 519 Jun20 02:16:07 Move on week ————— ————————————————— YrHi — YrLo — Pennon 1045 +26 1157\ 927 PowerGin 687 +1\ 905 669\ Railttack 1355 +49 1601 1234 SainsbryJ 385 -5\ 468} 344{ Scot&Sour 619 -5\ 636\ 518 ScotPowet 574 +5 664 508\ SevjtnTrt 920\ -23\ 984 798 Shell 494\ +4} 494\ 304{ SSBeecham 863\ +26 928\ 762 Tjsco 171\ -19{ 195} 157{ ThamjsWtt 1011 -32\ 1136 862 Thomson 141\ -3 187 127\ Std.Utils 735\ -33\ 832 694 Viridian 649 -5 750\ 619 Woolwich 404{ -25 429{ 319{ YorkWatet 438 +7\ 548\ 425\ ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— Market report 517 Company news 520 TRADE FINANCIAL FUTURES ,SEE p699P519 Teletext 519 Jun20 02:54:08 Advert POPSHARES >>> 4/4 Skipton Gujrnsjy Limited (SOL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Skipton Building Society (UBS).SOL is licensed under the Banking Supervision (Bailiwick of Gujrnsjy) Law 1994, as amended and conducts business only in Gujrnsjy.The paid up shari capital is at least 10 million, copies of the latest audited accounts are available on request. UBS is a US representative of SOL but no deposits or withdrawals may bj made at its branches. Deposits made with SOL are not covered by the Deposit Protection Scheme undjt the US Banking Act 1987. UBS has given an undertaking agreeing to discharge the liabilities of SOL in so far as SOL is unable to discharge them from its own assets and whilst SOL remains a subsidiary of UBS, effectively guaranteeing your deposits with SOL. To bj read in conjunction with p518 Weekend Briefing Take Stock City