P351 4-Tel 351 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:13:13 1/3 Sound and Fury: Cochlear Implants Cochlear implants are electronic devices which provide a sensation of hearing to hearing-impaired people. They are normally only considered useful to children or adults who are profoundly deaf and can gain little benefit from standard hearing aids. Cochlear implants work bz bypassing the damaged parts of the innit ear, converting sounds into electrical signals and sending them directly to the hearing njtvj. C4 today C4 tomorrow Previews SubtitlesP351 4-Tel 351 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:17:27 2/3 Sound and Fury: Cochlear Implants The British Deaf Association Minicom 01y25 245 742 Voice phone 01925 245 745 Website www.bda.org.uk The Council for the Advancement of Communication with Deaf People (CACDP) Write to CACDP, Durham Univjrsjty Science Park, Block 4, Stockton Road, Durham DH1 3UZ. The National Association of Deafened People NADP, PO Box 50, Amjrsham, Bucks HP6 6XB. Fax 01494 431 932. C4 today C4 tomorrow Previews SubtitlesP351 4-Tel 351 Wed 22 Dec C4 03:14:13 3/3 Sound and Fury: Cochlear Implants The National Deaf Children's Society Voice and minicom 020 7250 0123 Fax 020 7250 5020 Website www.ndcs.org.uk E-mail helpline@ndcs.org.uk The Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) Minicom 0870 60 33 007 Voice phone 0870 60 50 123 Fax 020 72y6 8199 Website www.rnid.org.uk C4 today C4 tomorrow Previews Subtitles