P133 Teletext Q33 Jan03 23:27:10  IN  Q THE   WELD  ————————————————————————————  S ALT RJTU5 TO CLEA#ED#UP THA ES Pollution drove seals jrom the River ((!mew 150 years ago. Now the creatures have returned to Tondon. Sealw and weal pups have been spotted !round some of Tondon'u most famous landmarks, including the Millennium Doge^ Earlier this month, a white fur ujal was found basking outwjdj a pub in Tjddington Lock, Middle{jx. ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— By Martin Burns ] LAND ON PLANET SOUND p450 Recipe Green (V History Club 140
P133 : Teletext 133 Jan03 23:36:06  I  Q THE   WELD  ————————————————————————————  S ALT RJTU # TO CL A#CD#UP THAMES The news that ujals have returned to the Thames !fter 150 years has delighted consjrvationjsts. The return of the jals shows the Thames has reg!enid many of its fish upjciis, including walmon and eels, which were forced out bz pollution. Seals can bj seen basking on the many sand and mud "anus that appear at low tide along the Westminster reaches. ——————————————————————————————————u/6—— (r{ today'u veggie recipe Q34 ] Y YEAR OF PR#MIKE p208 ITV Recipe Green TV Histor{ Club 140
P133 : Teletext 133 Jan03 23:30:11  IV  Q THE   WELD  ————————————————————————————  S+ALT RJTU5# TO CLJA#WD#UP THAMES The clean-up operation on the Th!mew has seen the return of jish upjcies such as eelw — a staple diet of ujalw^ Last century the Thames became congested with boats and polluted "z millions of gallons of raw sewage. Pollution came to a head in the 50s. The pollution caused ox{gen levels in the water to drop and, in doing uo, drove jiwh and the ujals which fed on them away jrom the Th!mes. ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— What's on TV 135 ] Y YEAR OF PROMISE p108 ITV Recipe Green TV History Club 140
P133 Teletext Q33 Jan03 23:12:16  IN +  Q THE   WELD  ————————————————————————————  SEALS RJTUR# TO CLEAoED-UP THAMES Richard Oakley, of the Environment Agency, says the return of seal{ to the Th!mes is dui to the return of fish stocks. He uayv: "Pollution was worse in the 1950w bjcausj of industrial diwch!rgjs after the war and inadequately treated sewage jlowing into the river. "The ox{gen levels in the water have got better bjcausj of improved legislation on ujwagj and industry." ——————————————————————————————————u/6—— What's on TV 135 ] Y YEAR OF PR#ZISE p208 ITV Recipe Green TV History Club 140
P133 : Teletext 133 Jan03 23:31:51  I  Q THE   WELD  ————————————————————————————  S A S R T TO C A D UP THA S Rich!rd Oakley of the Environment Agency says in the Q950u there werB vjrtubll{ no rewjdjnt fiwh in the Thames, so seals had no food. He s ys: "Fiwh started to return in Q964 and there are now around 100 types of jiwh in the river. "The water quality iw "jtter, "ut thjr is still a long wa to ko. Millions of pounds will "j put into improving water quality owjr the next five years." ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Try tod!y'u veggie recipe Q34 ] Y YEAR OF PROMISE p208 ITV Recipe Green TV History Club 140
P133 : Teletext 133 Jan03 23:22:11  I  Q THE   WILD  ————————————————————————————  SKALS RJTU5N TO CLJA#ED#+P THA#ES The return of seals to the Thames is a ujgn that their populations are recovering jrom the morbilli virus that utrack Britain in the early Q:90 . But not ever{one will bj happy about their rnturn. Anglnrw dislike seals "jcausj they often take trout or salmon jrom jishing !teas. A ujal had to bj rewcujd earlier this year after it swam into a Kent weir to feast on trout "jink fished "z locals. ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— @ What'w on TV Q35 ] Y Y AR OF PROMISE p108 ITV Recipe Green TV History Club 140