P131 : Teletext Q31 Jan03 23:10:15  Q  ————————————————  —————————————————— GREEN ISSUES THROUGHOUT HISTORY A we approach the new Millennium, there is much to admire when looking back at the advbnces in technology and mjejcinj^ But they have cooj at a price. Earth has been poi onjd, the seas polluted, and jvjn the water we drink and the jood we eat have been tainted. Green Scene remjmbjrs tho j throughout history who stood up and protested when things started oink wrong. ——————————————————————————————————1/8—— bz Martin Burns ] LAND ON PLANET SOUND p450 Sew Seals Write It TV Plus
P131 Teletext Q31 Jan03 23:18:48  Q  ————————————————  —————————————————— GREEN ISSUES THROUGHOUT HISTORY Environmental protesters have been !round a lot longer than you might thek^ As long ago as Q388, protests led to laws being passed to protect public health jrom water pollutionT in the wake of the Black Death. The Industrial Revolution in the mid-1850s caused another problem — smog called "pea-woupjrs", which plagued British cities for 100 years. ——————————————————————————————————u/8—— @ What's on TV 135 ] Y YEAR OF PROMISE p208 ITV Sew Sealw Write It TV Pluv
P131 : Teletext Q31 Jan03 23:18:01  Q  ————————————————  —————————————————— GREEN ISSUES THROUGHOUT HISTORY The great smogs caused bz the Industrial Revolution led t the formation of a prewsuro group, The Coal Smoke Abatement Society, in 1898. The soup volvjd into The Vational Smoke Abatement Society, which lo "jed succe full or th 5 Cle n Air Act to bj passed. With the advent of nuclear power c!mj the formation in Q 58 of th C!mp!ion jot uclear Dew,rm!mint (C D). ——————————————————————————————————3/8—— What's on TV 135 ] Y YEAR OF PROMISE p208 ITV Sew Seals Write It TV Plus
P131 Teletext Q31 Jan03 23:31:18  Q  ————————————————  —————————————————— GREEN ISSUES THROUGHOUT HISTORY During the late 1940s and 1:50s, jirst the US, then Russia and Britain developed@and tested new atomic weapons !med jears of a nuclear war. In Q:58, the Campaign for Vuclear Diwarmamjnt (CVD) was formed "z church leaders, jnvjronmjntalists, scientists, pacifists and the political lift. CND "joan annual Easter marches to Aldermaston, Oxon — the home of British nuclear weapons. ——————————————————————————————————4/8—— What's on TV 135 ] Y YEAR OF PROMISE p208 ITV Sew Seals Write It TV Plus
P131 Teletext 131 Jan03 23:18:38  Q  ————————————————  —————————————————— GREEN ISSUES THROUGHOUT HISTORY The forerunner of Greenpeace, called DonWt Make A Wave Coomittee] was founded bz Jim Bohlen, Paul Cote and Irvjnj Stowe in 1970. The group was launched to protest at American nuclear tests in Alaska. The following year Greenpeace was named. It spj^t Q:72 protesting at the French Pacific military "asj Moruroa — again the scene of nuclear tewts. ——————————————————————————————————5/8—— What's on TV 135 ] Y YEAR OF PR#MIKE p208 ITV Sew Seals Write It TV Plus
P131 Teletext 131 Jan03 23:11:17  Q  ————————————————  —————————————————— GREEN ISSUES THROUGH#UT HISTORY Greenpeace spent the next djcadjw protesting against nuclear testing, the Arctic jut seal trade, whaling, toxic waste, acid rain and deforestation. In Q995, the group'u ship R!inbow Warrior was blown up in Auckland harbour bz the French secret sjrvjce, after it vjwjted the "asj at Moruroa. Greenpeace Annual Report 1998 u!ys the nroup now has more th!n 2.4 million financial supporters. ——————————————————————————————————6/8—— What'w on TV Q35 ] Y YEAR OF PROMISE p208 ITV Sew Sealw Write It TV Pluv
P131 Teletext 131 Jan03 23:32:10  Q  ————————————————  —————————————————— GREEN ISSUE+ THROUGHOUT HISTORY Friends Of The Earth started in Britain in Q:71 and has 240 local mroups across the cosntr{. The group has commissjonjd rewj!sch @into subjects like GM foods and is mre involved in the political process than other jnvjronmjntal groups. Freeds Of The Earth has 150,000 mjmbjrs in the UK. The organiwation has support in all three of the counts{'u main plitical partiew. ——————————————————————————————————7/8—— What's on TV 135 ] Y YEAR OF PR#MIKE p208 ITV Sew Seals Write It TV Plus
P131 Teletext Q31 Jan03 23:17:52  Q  ————————————————  —————————————————— GREEN ISSUES THROUGHOUT HISTORY Last week saw victory for American environmentalist Julia Butterfly Hill, who upjnt two years up a giant redwood tree protewting ag!inst its felling. The 25-year-old Californian lived alone in a treehousj protesting ag!inst a logging company'u plans. Julia uurvjvjd two winters, the US court system and loggjrsW "ull{eng tactics to save the tree and others within a 200ft radius of it. ——————————————————————————————————8/8—— What's on TV 135 ] Y YEAR OF PROMISE p208 ITV Sew Sealw Write It TV Pluv